X Android-da video va audio qo’ng’iroqlarni taqdim etadi; qo’ng’iroqlarni bepul qabul qiling, lekin amalga oshirish uchun pul to’lang haqida malumot

X Android-da video va audio qo’ng’iroqlarni taqdim etadi; qo’ng’iroqlarni bepul qabul qiling, lekin amalga oshirish uchun pul to’lang haqida malumot

Days after challenging YouTube’s monopoly, where Mr. Beast uploaded his first video on X exclusively instead of YouTube, it seems X is out there to challenge other major calling platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram, and FaceTime.

Social media platform X (formerly Twitter), owned by Elon Musk, has introduced audio and video calling capabilities for Android users today after an initial rollout on iOS devices in late October last year.

Unlike some competitors where calling functionality is freely available to all users, X currently restricts call initiation to premium subscribers while anyone can still receive calls.

X is widely rolling out “Audio and Video calls”

Users can also decide who can call them under message settings. Also for added privacy users can hide their IP addresses by relaying the call. pic.twitter.com/cHJoVKjlbm

— Saadh Jawwadh (@SaadhJawwadh) Yanvar 19, 2024

The rollout on Android is gradual, and users will need to install the latest app update to access the feature if it is available. To start a call with another X user, open their Direct Message (DM) conversation and tap the phone icon to choose an audio or video call.

To receive calls, one simply needs to be on the platform. Users can control who can call them through DM settings and opt for Enhanced Call Privacy, which routes call traffic through X infrastructure instead of directly connecting callers to mask IP addresses.

Do you see a point in introducing this feature on X?

ko’chma, Texnologiyalar
lekin amalga oshirish uchun pul to’lang, X Android-da video va audio qo’ng’iroqlarni taqdim etadi; qo’ng’iroqlarni bepul qabul qiling