Python dasturlash tili 11 dars

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Python dasturlash tili 11 dars Forget costly site visits and solve any IT problem remotely with the market’s most secure and powerful support platform. Compatible with almost any device – including headless ones such as servers. The world’s most trusted remote access, control and support software Stay productive wherever you are with unrestricted access to … Читать далее

Python dasturlash tili: 11-dars

python dasturlash tili 11 dars 65e61615e925b

Python dasturlash tili: 11-dars Istisnolar (Exceptions) Ba’zan dastur ishlashi davomida istisno holatlar yuzaga kelishi mumkin. Misol uchun, mavjud bo’lmagan faylni o’qishga bo’lgan harakat yoki dasturdagi no’malum buyruqlar. Bunday holatlar exception’lar yordamida hal qilinadi. Xatoliklar Agar biz print funksiyasini Print shaklida chaqiradigan bo’lsak, python interpretatori bizga sintaksis xatolikni ko’rsatadi. >>> Print(«Salom dunyo») Traceback (most recent call … Читать далее