EK o’chirilgan protsessorlar uchun hammasi birda bir suyuqlik sovutgichni namoyish etadi haqida malumot

ek ochirilgan protsessorlar uchun hammasi birda bir suyuqlik sovutgichni namoyish etadi haqida malumot 65cd04dd19ccc

EK o’chirilgan protsessorlar uchun hammasi birda bir suyuqlik sovutgichni namoyish etadi haqida malumot Historically, delidded CPUs have been the prerogative of die-hard enthusiasts who customized their rigs to the last bit. But with emergence of specially-designed delidding tools, removing the integrated heat spreader from a CPU has become a whole lot easier, opening the door … Читать далее