abc nomli tadbir senariysi to’liq malumot oling

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abc nomli tadbir senariysi to’liq malumot oling We learning english O’quvchi: – Good morning good morning dear teachers O’quvch: – Good morning our lovely friends lusky children. O’quvchi: – Good morning, good morning Good morning to you Good morning, good morning We are glad to see you. O’quvchi: – Now we, must begin our English … Читать далее

abc nomli tadbir senariysi

abc nomli tadbir senariysi 65cab9d9e66e8

abc nomli tadbir senariysi abc nomli tadbir senariysi / Darsliklar / От admin DO`STLARGA ULASHING: We learning english O’quvchi: – Good morning good morning dear teachers O’quvch: – Good morning our lovely friends lusky children. O’quvchi: – Good morning, good morning Good morning to you Good morning, good morning We are glad to see you. … Читать далее