Qanday ta’mirlash kerak a Windows 11 DISM buyrug’i vositasidan foydalanish — 5 oson qadamda sog’likni skanerlash va tiklash haqida malumot

Qanday ta’mirlash kerak a Windows 11 DISM buyrug’i vositasidan foydalanish — 5 oson qadamda sog’likni skanerlash va tiklash haqida malumot

How to use DISM to repair Windows 11

“Tasvirlarni joylashtirish va boshqarish” (DISM) bu har qanday rasmlarni skanerlash, oʻzgartirish va tuzatish uchun foydali, ammo ilgʻor vositadir. Windows 11 system issues. A lot of OS problems such as poor performance, boot-up issues or specific crashes can come down to a corrupted system file, and this Command Tool implementation is capable of fixing them.

Now, I know a lot of you probably saw me use the phrase “Command Tool” and freaked out a little. In all honesty, I did too at first, but breathe — this is a lot easier than you might think. All it takes is copying and pasting the commands below and you’re off to the races.

Qanday tuzatish kerak Windows 11 Image problems with DISM

The DISM tool is perfect for scanning all the system files for any corrupted/missing data, and fixing them. If you’re having OS setup troubles, that’s where SFC comes into play.

1. Open Command Prompt as administrator

How to use DISM to repair Windows 11

(Tasvir: © Kelajak)

Hit the Start button va qidirish Buyruqning xohishi. Right-click itva tanlash Administrator sifatida ishga tushirish. You will need to do this for all the DISM and SFC processes you see below.

2. Check the system health

How to use DISM to repair Windows 11

(Tasvir: © Kelajak)

Enter the following prompt: “DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth” va matbuot kiriting. This will command the DISM tool to do a quick sweep of the system and verify any corrupted data.

3. Need a more in depth scan?

How to use DISM to repair Windows 11

(Tasvir: © Kelajak)

Bu erda ScanHealth kiradi. foydalanish “DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth” va Enter ni bosing again. This will take some time, but will identify the specific file corruptions.

4. Time to fix it!

How to use DISM to repair Windows 11

(Tasvir: © Kelajak)

Now that you’ve found the corrupted data, it’s time to fix it. Yozing “DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth” va Enter tugmasini bosing. Just like ScanHealth, this will take some time, and it may look like it’s frozen when you see the % progress bar stop for a while. But trust the system — it’s downloading and replacing the corrupted files you find.

How to run a full system file check in Windows 11

If your issues are more about the setup of Windows itself, or if you want to double check that DISM did the trick, that’s where the System File Checker (SFC) comes in.

1. Run the scan

How to use DISM to repair Windows 11

(Tasvir: © Kelajak)

That’s it! Same as above, administrator sifatida buyruq satrini ishga tushiring, keyin use the prompt “SFC /scannow” va matbuot kiriting. This will do a sweep of everything and repair any system files using your (now fixed) local image files. Make sure that if any errors are found, you run it a couple more times. SFC /scannow has a bit of a reputation for not fixing much the first time around.

Texnologiyalar, Windows 11
Qanday ta’mirlash kerak a Windows 11 DISM buyrug’i vositasidan foydalanish — 5 oson qadamda sog’likni skanerlash va tiklash