NordVPN Discovery+ bilan ishlamayaptimi? Ushbu OSON tuzatishlarni sinab ko’ring! (2024) haqida malumot

NordVPN Discovery+ bilan ishlamayaptimi? Ushbu OSON tuzatishlarni sinab ko’ring! (2024) haqida malumot

NordVPN not working with Discovery 696x392 1

If you’ve been watching Discovery+ with NordVPN and it’s not working, don’t panic. There are some simple fixes you can try to resolve this problem.

Chunki a VPN can potentially allow you to watch Discovery+ outside of its broadcast zone, the streaming services constantly tries to block VPN IP addresses. NordVPN currently isn’t working because the IP-manzil it has given you has been blocked and NordVPN has fallen behind and is currently unable to stay ahead of Discovery’s VPN blocking techniques.

This article will explain how to fix NordVPN not working with Discovery+.

How to fix NordVPN not working with Discovery+: Guide

Umumiy vaqt: 5 daqiqa

  1. VPN boshqa qurilmada ishlayotganligini tekshiring

    NordVPN not working with Discovery+

    This is the easiest thing you can do to figure out what you need to do next. If NordVPN works with Discovery+ on your smartphone, but not your computer, then you know NordVPN isn’t the problem. If NordVPN does work on one device, jump to Step 3 below.

  2. VPN-larning jonli chat xizmatiga murojaat qiling

    NordVPN not working with Discovery+

    This is another easy one. Find NordVPN’s Live Chat feature and ask for a specific server number that works with Discovery+. This is the single most effective way to diagnose if NordVPN is the problem or not. If they can’t point you towards a server that works with Discovery+ then you know, without doubt, that NordVPN is having issues with Discovery+.

  3. Cookie fayllaringizni o’chirib tashlang

    NordVPN not working with Discovery+

    Deleting your cookies can potentially fix NordVPN not working with Discovery+ issues. Accumulated or corrupted cookies in a browser might interfere with the way websites and online services function, especially when using a VPN.

    Clearing these cookies removes any old or problematic data, thereby ensuring a cleaner slate for your VPN connection to operate. This can help in establishing a more stable connection and resolving conflicts between NordVPN and certain web services like Discovery+.

  4. Boshqa serverga ulaning

    NordVPN not working with Discovery+

    If NordVPN has suddenly stopped working with Discovery+, it might be because the IP address your VPN has given you has been identified and blocked by the streaming service.

    Changing to a different server will give you a different IP address, and if that one hasn’t been blocked, NordVPN will work with Discovery+ again.

  5. VPN-ni qayta o’rnating yoki yangilang

    NordVPN not working with Discovery+

    Think of this as the classic “turn it on and off again” tactic. Removing NordVPN, and its settings, from your device and starting again is a good way to get the most up-to-date settings configured on your devices without much effort. If you don’t want to reinstall the software, you can always check to see if there’s an update available to download any fixes your service may have introduced.

  6. VPN protokollarini almashtiring

    NordVPN not working with Discovery+

    VPN protokollari VPN ning yurak urishi hisoblanadi. Ular VPN qanday ishlashini aniqlaydi. VPN-dan foydalanganda, protokol ma’lumotlaringizni yashirish va VPN serverlari orqali ularni qayta yo’naltirish uchun javobgardir.

    If Discovery+ isn’t working with NordVPN, it might be because the protocol you’re using is no longer working with the service. NordVPN has three different protocols, try changing to a different one to see if that fixes the issue.

    Take a look at our VPN protokollari Qaysi texnologiya sizga mos kelishi haqida ko’proq ma’lumot olish uchun maqola.

  7. VPN-ni yangilang

    NordVPN not working with Discovery+

    If all of the above fails, you should consider using a different, high-end VPN. I recommend ExpressVPN (oyiga $6.66) for Discovery+. For more information, check out our VPN list below to see which VPN suits your needs and budget.

Why has NordVPN suddenly stopped working with Discovery+?

If NordVPN stops working with Discovery+, there could be several reasons behind this issue, similar to challenges faced when accessing other streaming services. Here are some common factors to consider:

  1. IP Blockage: Discovery+ may have detected and blocked the IP addresses provided by NordVPN. Streaming services regularly update their VPN detection techniques to block IP addresses that they identify as coming from VPN services.
  2. Serverning haddan tashqari yuklanishi: If too many users are connected to the same NordVPN server, the server’s IP address can become overcrowded. This not only slows down your connection but also makes it easier for Discovery+ to identify and block the server.
  3. Outdated VPN Software: Using an outdated version of NordVPN can lead to connectivity issues. VPN providers continuously update their software to improve security, speed, and compatibility with streaming services. An outdated app may lack the latest features designed to circumvent blocks.

How does Discovery+ block NordVPN?

Discovery+ blocks NordVPN by identifying and blocking the IP addresses provided by NordVPN to its users. This blocking strategy involves detecting an unusually large number of connections from the same IP address, indicating VPN use.

Given that NordVPN is a popular VPN service with a large user base, it’s likely that more people are using its servers to access Discovery+.

This popularity can lead to certain IP addresses being used more frequently, making them more noticeable and susceptible to being blocked by Discovery+. When Discovery+ recognises these patterns, it can choose to block those IP addresses, preventing NordVPN users from accessing their content.

Does Discovery+ still work with VPNs?

I’ll preface this with NordVPN is usually very good at unblocking Discovery+ and it will only be a matter of time before it sorts itself out and is compatible with the Oqimli xizmat again. With that said, you may have to wait a while..

Yes, Discovery+ will still work with a VPN, but you need to use a VPN that has IP addresses that are still compatible with the service. By compatible, that means you need a VPN that hasn’t had all of its IP addresses blocked by Discovery+.

You can either wait for NordVPN to release more IP addresses that haven’t been blocked by Discovery+, but the chances are, you’ll run into this error again. To fix the problem, you need a VPN that plays a game of cat and mouse with Discovery+. This is where the VPN is able to stay one step ahead of Discovery’s blocks by closing blocked IP addresses and opening new fresh ones.

Lardan biri eng yaxshi VPN-lar for this is ExpressVPN, but there are many other VPNs that will do this as well.

This capability will allow you to reliably watch Discovery+ from anywhere in the world, and it will help to prevent the errors you’ve run into from happening again.

Will a free VPN work with Discovery+?

Using a free VPN to access Discovery+ might work, but it comes with several limitations and risks that could affect your streaming experience. Bepul VPN-lar often have fewer servers, which can get overcrowded quickly, leading to slower speeds and more buffering. Because these servers are limited, they’re also more likely to be recognized and blocked by Discovery+, making it harder to consistently access the service.

Additionally, free VPNs typically have data limits, which can be quickly exhausted when streaming video content. Security is another concern, as some free VPNs may log your browsing activity or serve intrusive ads, compromising your privacy and security.

For a more reliable and secure experience with Discovery+, a reputable paid VPN service with a track record of bypassing geo-restrictions and offering good speeds and privacy protection is generally recommended.

The VPN services we recommend for Discovery+ when NordVPN isn’t working

1. ExpressVPN 🥈

2024 yilning eng tezkor va ishonchli VPN

  • ✔104 mamlakatda jismoniy serverlar
  • ✔Oqimli xizmatlarni blokdan chiqarish uchun ajoyib
  • ✔Juda yuqori tezlikdagi Lightway protokoli
  • ✔Deyarli har qanday qurilmada mavjud
  • ✔Juda xavfsiz
  • ❌Qimmat
  • ❌Bir vaqtning o’zida faqat 8 ta qurilma
  • ❌Qoʻshimchalar yoʻq

Streaming: ExpressVPN provides fast and reliable connections, ensuring high-quality streaming on Discovery+ without buffering. Its strong unblocking capabilities allow you to access Discovery+ content from anywhere in the world.

Serverlar: ExpressVPN’s servers in the US, Europe, and other regions support fast and reliable access to Discovery+, allowing you to stream your favorite shows in HD. These servers are regularly updated to evade VPN blocks, ensuring consistent access to Discovery+ content.

Maxfiylik: ExpressVPN maxfiylik choralari qatoriga Cure53 va F-Secure kabi kiberxavfsizlik firmalari tomonidan mustaqil tekshiruvdan o‘tish, macOS, Linux va tizimlarda kuchli xavfsizlik darajasini ta’minlash va jiddiy kamchiliklarning yo‘qligi kiradi. Windows ilovalar. Batafsil ma’lumotni Internetda mavjud bo’lgan audit hisobotlarida topishingiz mumkin.

Narx: ExpressVPN uchta to‘lov rejasini taklif etadi: 1 oylik variant oyiga $12.95, 6 oylik variant oyiga $9.99 va 12 oylik variant oyiga $6.67. To’lov usullariga yirik kredit kartalari, PayPal, Bitcoin va boshqa tizimlar kiradi, ular keng foydalanuvchilarni qamrab oladi.

Tezlik: ExpressVPN yuqori yuklash tezligini minimal tushirish bilan saqlab, samarali ishlashni ta’minlaydi. Sinovlar yuklash tezligining biroz pasayganini ko’rsatdi, ammo yuklab olish tezligi turli server joylarida, jumladan, AQSh, Buyuk Britaniya va Vetnamda yuqoriligicha qoldi.

Yuklab olish tezligi (Mbps) Yuklash tezligi (Mbps)
VPN o’chirilgan 937.07 520.93
ExpressVPN AQSh serveri 824.62 6.96
ExpressVPN Buyuk Britaniya serveri 794.95 3.70
ExpressVPN Vetnam serveri 761.90 3.81

Bizning to’liq o’qing ExpressVPN sharhlash.

Siz uchun maxsus taklif!

(30 kunlik pulni qaytarish kafolati)

2. PureVPN 🥉

Ishlash va narxni muvozanatlashtiradigan o’rta darajadagi VPN

  • ✔hamyonbop
  • ✔Asosiy oqim xizmatlarini blokdan chiqaradi
  • ✔Bir vaqtning o’zida 10 tagacha qurilmada foydalaning
  • ✔Oddiylashtirilgan foydalanuvchi interfeysi
  • ✔KPMG tomonidan tasdiqlangan jurnal tekshiruvi yo’q
  • ✔Bir nechta bepul qo’shimchalar
  • ❌BBC iPlayer-da eng yuqori vaqtlarda buferlash
  • ❌»Jurnal yo’q» siyosati bilan bog’liq oldingi tashvishlar

Streaming: PureVPN’s streaming-optimized servers are designed to provide fast and uninterrupted access to Discovery+, ensuring a seamless viewing experience. Its wide server coverage includes countries where Discovery+ is available, making it easier to access from anywhere.

Serverlar: PureVPN’s servers are engineered to provide high-speed access to streaming services like Discovery+, with dedicated routes that ensure low latency and high bandwidth. This setup allows for smooth streaming of Discovery+ content without interruptions.

Maxfiylik: PureVPN has faced criticism in the past for its privacy policies. However, it has recently undergone a no-log audit verified by KPMG in the past 12 months, aiming to reassure users about its commitment to privacy.

Narx: PureVPN uchta to‘lov variantini taklif etadi: 1 oylik reja $10.95/oy, 1 yillik reja $3.74/oy va 2 yillik reja $1.96/oy. PureVPN barcha asosiy kredit kartalari, PayPal va boshqa turli raqamli toʻlov imkoniyatlarini qabul qiladi.

Tezlik: Quyida PureVPN-dan foydalanganda kutishingiz mumkin bo’lgan tezlik ko’rsatkichlari haqida fikr beradigan jadval mavjud. VPN turli oqim serverlarida o’zgaruvchan yuklash tezligini ko’rsatdi, ba’zilari esa eng yuqori vaqtlarda sezilarli pasayishlarni boshdan kechirdi.

Yuklab olish tezligi (Mbps) Yuklash tezligi (Mbps)
VPN yo’q 189.44 139.82
PureVPN Buyuk Britaniya serveri 24.31 98.99
PureVPN AQSh serveri 49.83 106.52

Bizning to’liq o’qing PureVPN tadqiqoti.

Siz uchun maxsus taklif!

(30 kunlik pulni qaytarish kafolati)

3. Surfshark

2024 yilgacha cheksiz qurilma siyosati bilan arzon va xavfsiz VPN

  • ✔Uzoq muddatli obunalar uchun jozibador narxlar
  • ✔Bir vaqtning o’zida cheksiz ulanishlarni qo’llab-quvvatlaydi
  • ✔Mustahkam xavfsizlik va maxfiylik
  • ✔24/7 javob beruvchi chatni qo’llab-quvvatlash
  • ✔100 ta davlatda keng server tarmog’i
  • ❌Hulu kabi xizmatlarda muammo bor
  • ❌Noyob mulkiy protokoli yo’q
  • ❌Ilova juda ko’p bo’lishi mumkin
  • ❌Raqobatchilar orasida eng tezkori emas

Streaming: Surfshark allows unlimited simultaneous connections, meaning you can stream Discovery+ on as many devices as you like under one subscription. Its NoBorders mode is specifically designed to bypass geo-blocks and provide access to Discovery+ in restricted regions.

Serverlar: Surfshark’s CleanWeb feature on its servers blocks ads, trackers, and malware, ensuring a clean and uninterrupted viewing experience on Discovery+. Its servers also employ camouflage mode to prevent ISPs from detecting VPN usage, maintaining access to Discovery+.

Maxfiylik: Surfshark ishonchli onlayn xavfsizlik va maxfiylikni ta’minlovchi Cure53 tomonidan muvaffaqiyatli DNS sızıntısı testlari va mustaqil xavfsizlik tekshiruvlari bilan maxfiylikka sodiqligini ta’kidlaydi. Siz ularning xavfsizlik tekshiruvlari haqida ko’proq ma’lumot olishingiz mumkin Bu yerga.

Narx: Surfshark oyiga 1 dollar turadigan 12.95 oylik, oyiga 12 dollardan 3.99 oylik va oyiga 24 dollardan 2.49 oylik variantni taklif qiladi. U yirik kredit kartalari, PayPal, Google Pay, Amazon Pay va turli kriptovalyutalarni qabul qiladi.

Tezlik: Quyida Surfshark-dan foydalanganda tezlik ko’rsatkichlari haqida tasavvurga ega bo’lgan jadval mavjud. Sinovlarimizdan biz umumiy foydalanish uchun mos bo’lgan, ammo ba’zi raqiblarga nisbatan eng tez emas, munosib tezlikni kuzatdik.

Yuklab olish tezligi (Mbps) Yuklash tezligi (Mbps)
VPN yo’q (Yangi Zelandiya) 940.55 520.24
Surfshark AQSh serveri 775.9 6.15
Surfshark Buyuk Britaniya serveri 587.79 3.79

Bizning to’liq o’qing Surfshark sharhi.

Siz uchun maxsus taklif!

(30 kunlik pulni qaytarish kafolati)

4. Maxsus Internetga kirish

Keng qurilma mosligi bilan arzon va xavfsiz VPN

  • ✔Qulay narxlarda rejalar
  • ✔Bir vaqtning o’zida cheksiz qurilmalar
  • ✔Reklama blokirovkasi va elektron pochtani himoya qilish kabi qo’shimcha funktsiyalar
  • ✔Tasdiqlangan jurnalsiz siyosat
  • ✔Netflix va Hulu kabi oqim xizmatlari bilan mos keladi
  • ❌Virtual serverlardan yuqori darajada foydalanish
  • ❌Yuqori darajadagi VPNlar kabi tez emas
  • ❌Xususiy protokol variantlari yo’q

Streaming: PIA offers a vast network of servers worldwide, giving you plenty of options to bypass geo-restrictions and access Discovery+. Its strong encryption keeps your connection secure, making it a safe option for streaming.

Serverlar: PIA’s extensive server network includes locations where Discovery+ is available, offering multiple options for accessing the service. These servers are equipped with automatic kill switches and PIA MACE to block ads, enhancing your Discovery+ streaming experience.

Maxfiylik: PIA ilovasi ochiq manba bo’lib, uchinchi tomonni tekshirish va tekshirishni taklif qiladi. Shuningdek, u Deloitte tomonidan o’tkazilgan mustaqil jurnalsiz siyosat auditidan o’tdi va shaxsiy hayotga sodiqligini tasdiqladi.

Narx: PIA uchta obuna variantini taklif qiladi: 1 oylik oyiga $11.95, 1 yil oyiga $3.33 (oldindan to‘lov 39.95$) va 3 yillik $2.03/oy (oldindan to‘lov $79). To’lov usullariga kredit kartalari, PayPal, kriptovalyutalar va Amazon to’lovlari kiradi.

Tezlik: PIA uchun tezlik testlari turli serverlarda yuklab olish tezligida sezilarli pasayishlarni ko’rsatdi. WireGuard-dan foydalanganda Protokol, tezlik OpenVPN ga qaraganda tezroq edi, lekin ExpressVPN kabi yuqori darajadagi VPNlarga nisbatan sekinroq edi.

OpenVPN yuklab olish tezligi (Mbps) OpenVPN yuklash tezligi (Mbps) WireGuard yuklash tezligi (Mbps) WireGuard yuklash tezligi (Mbps)
VPN o’chirilgan (Yangi Zelandiya) 930 516
PIA AQSh serveri 238.52 7.17 300.65 8.65
PIA Buyuk Britaniya serveri 245 3.77 315.78 7.23
PIA Vetnam serveri 445 6.55 489 8.24

Bizning to’liq o’qing Maxsus Internetga kirishni o’rganish.

Siz uchun maxsus taklif!

(30 kunlik pulni qaytarish kafolati)

Q: Why is NordVPN not working with Discovery+?

Answer: Discovery+ may block the IP addresses provided by NordVPN if it detects them as VPN sources. To resolve this, try connecting to a different UK or US server on NordVPN, as these countries have access to Discovery+ and switching servers can give you a new IP address that may not be blocked.

Q: Can I still access Discovery+ abroad with NordVPN?

Answer: Yes, you can access Discovery+ abroad with NordVPN by connecting to a server in a country where Discovery+ is available, such as the United States or the United Kingdom. Ensure you’re using a server that hasn’t been blocked by Discovery+ by trying different server locations if you encounter issues.

Q: What should I do if Discovery+ suddenly stops working with NordVPN?

Answer: If Discovery+ stops working while you’re connected to NordVPN, first clear your browser’s cache and cookies to remove any location identifiers. Then, disconnect from the current server and reconnect to a different server in a supported country, as this can often bypass the block.

Q: How can I improve streaming quality on Discovery+ with NordVPN?

Answer: To improve streaming quality on Discovery+ with NordVPN, ensure you’re connected to the server closest to your actual location that’s still in a Discovery+-supported region. This minimises distance-related latency and can provide a smoother streaming experience. Additionally, check that NordVPN’s app is up to date, as updates often include performance improvements.

Q: Why does Discovery+ detect my VPN when I’m using NordVPN?

Answer: Discovery+ may detect your VPN if NordVPN’s IP addresses have been flagged or if there’s a mismatch between your IP location and DNS server locations. Using NordVPN’s feature to secure and encrypt your DNS queries can help prevent detection. Make sure you’re also using a server that effectively masks your VPN traffic as regular internet traffic.

NordVPN Discovery+ bilan ishlamayaptimi? Ushbu OSON tuzatishlarni sinab ko’ring! (2024)