Essential Grammar in Use, 4 edition, Murphy R, 2015

Essential Grammar in Use, 4 edition, Murphy R, 2015

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Murphy kitobi javoblari

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O’zbek tilida dars ishlanmalar, barcha fanlardan

5-sinf ingliz tili imtihon javoblari 2020-2021

Подробности Автор: Aim adminka Родительская категория: 5-Класс Категория: Chet tili / Rus tili 5-sinflar Опубликовано: 20 Апрель 2021 Просмотров: 1540

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5-sinf ingliz tili fanidan imtihon javoblari 2020-2021

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Ushbu ma’lumotni yuklab olish uchun ro’yxatdan o’ting. Ma’lumotlar mutlaqo bepul. Чтобы скачать этот файл зарегистрируйтесь или войдите на сайт.
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Dars Ishlanmalar

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Barcha huquqlar O’zbekiston Respublikasining amaldagi qonunlariga binoan himoya qilingan. Sayt materiallaridan to’liq yoki qisman tijorat yo’lida foydalanish qat’iyan man etiladi!

Essential Grammar in Use, 4 edition, Murphy R., 2015

This is a grammar book for elementary students of English. There are 115 units in the book and each unit is about a different point of English grammar. There is a list of units at the beginning of the book (Contents).

Write these sentences with got. The meaning is the same.
1 They have two children. They ye got two children.
2 She doesn’t have a key. She. hasn’t got a key..
3 He has a new job. He
4 Do you have an umbrella?
5 We have a lot of work to do.
6 I don’t have your phone number.
7 Does your father have a car?
8 How much money do we have?

Write these sentences with do/does/don’t/doesn’t. The meaning is the same.
1 Have you got any money? Do you. have any money?
2 I haven’t got many clothes. I
3 Has Tom got a brother?
4 How many children have they got?
5 Have you got any questions?
6 Sam hasn’t got a job.

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Оглавление (Units) учебника ‘Essential Grammar in Use’ Раймонда Мёрфи

Оглавление 4-го издания красного Мёрфи.
В скобках даны номера юнитов 1-го издания учебника→ (в мягком переплёте) которые НЕ СОВПАДАЮТ!
Словом new помечены новые юниты, которых нет в 1-м издании.
Вопросы к тестам задавайте в комментариях к конкретным юнитам.

Present (Настоящее)

  • 1 be/am/is/are
    Упражнения и практика BE am/is/are
  • 2 am/is/are (questions)
    Упр. и практика: Вопросы с BE
  • 3 I am doing (present continuous)
    Упр. и практика: I am doing.
  • 4 Are you -ing? (present continuous questions)
  • 5 I do/work/like etc. (present simple)
    Упр. и практика: I do/work
  • 6 I don’t … (present simple negative)
  • 7 Do you …? (present simple questions)
  • 8 I am doing (present continuous) and I do (present simple)
  • 9 (14) I have and I’ve got

Past (Прошедшее)

  • 10 (11) was/were
  • 11(9) worked/got/went etc (past simple)
  • 12 (10) I didn’t Did you? (past simple negative and questions)
  • 13 (12) I was doing (past continuous)
  • 14 (13) I was doing (past continuous) and I did (past simple)

Present perfect (Настоящее совершённое)

  • 15 I have done (present perfect 1)
  • 16 I’ve just/already not yet (present perfect 2)
  • 17 (16) Have you ever … ? (present perfect 3)
  • 18 (17) How long have you … ? (present perfect 4)
  • 19 (18) for since ago
  • 20 (19) I have done (present perfect) and I did (past)

Passive (Пассив)

  • 21 (20) is done / was done (passive 1)
  • 22 (-) is being done / has been done (passive 2)

Verb forms (Формы глагола)

  • 23 (35) be/have/do in present and past tenses
  • 24 (36) Regular and irregular verbs

Future (Будущее)

  • 25 (21) What are you doing tomorrow? (present for the future)
  • 26 (22) I’m going to…
  • 27 (23) will/shall (1)
  • 28 (24) will/shall (2)

Modals, imperative etc. (Модальные, повелительное наклонение и т.д.)

  • 29 (26) might
  • 30 (25) can and could
  • 31 (27) must mustn’t don’t need to
  • 32 (28) should
  • 33 (29) I have to …
  • 34 (30) Would you like … ? I’d like …
  • 35 (-) Do this! Don’t do that! Let’s do this!
  • 36 (-) I used to …

There and it (Безличные предложения)

  • 37 (31) there is / there are
  • 38 (32) there was/were there has/have been there will be
  • 39 (33) It …

Auxiliary verbs (Вспомогательные глаголы)

  • 40 (37) I am, I don’t etc
  • 41 (38) Have you? Are you? Don’t you? etc
  • 42 (39) too/either so am I / neither do I etc
  • 43 (40) isn’t, haven’t, don’t etc (negatives)

Questions (Вопросы)

  • 44 (41)is it … ? have you … ? do they … ? etc (questions 1)
  • 45 (42) Who saw you? Who did you see? (questions 2)
  • 46 (43) Who is she talking to? What is it like? (questions 3)
  • 47 (44) What … ? Which … ? How … ? (questions 4)
  • 48 (45) How long does it take … ?
  • 49 (46) Do you know where … ? I don’t know what … etc

Reported speech (Косвенная речь)

-ing and to … (Герундий и инфинитив)

  • 51 (34) work/working go/going do/doing
  • 52 (47) to … (I want to do) and -ing (I enjoy doing)
  • 53 (48) I want you to … I told you to …
  • 54 (50) I went to the shop to …

Go, get, do, make and have (Важные глаголы)

  • 55 (52) go to … go on … go for … go -ing
  • 56 (51) get
  • 57 (-) do and make
  • 58 (-) have

Pronouns and possessives (Личные местоимения и притяжательный падеж)

  • 59 (53) I/me he/him they/them etc
  • 60 (54) my/his/their etc
  • 61 (55) Whose is this? It’s mine/yours/hers etc
  • 62 (56) l/me/my/mine
  • 63 (57) myself/yourself/themselves etc.
  • 64 (58) -‘s (Kate’s camera/my brother’s car etc.)

A and The (Неопределённый и определённый артикль)

  • 65 (59) a/an …
  • 66 (60) train(s) bus(es) (singular and plural)
  • 67 (61)a bottle/some water (countable/uncountable 1)
  • 68 (62) a cake/some cake/some cakes (countable/uncountable 2)
  • 69 (63) a/an and the
  • 70 (64) the …
  • 71 (65) go to work / go home / go to the cinema
  • 72 (66) I like music / I hate exams
  • 73 (67) the … (names of places)

Determiners and pronouns (Определители и местоимения)

  • 74 (68) this/that/these/those
  • 75 (69) one/ones
  • 76 (70) some and any
  • 77 (71) not + any no none
  • 78 (72) not + anybody/anyone/anything nobody/no-one/nothing
  • 79 (73) somebody/anything/nowhere etc
  • 80 (74) every and all
  • 81 (75) all, most, some, any, no/none
  • 82 (76) both / either / neither
  • 83 (77) a lot / much / many
  • 84 (78) (a) little / (a) few

Adjectives and adverbs (Прилагательные и наречия)

  • 85 (79) old/nice/interesting etc (adjectives)
  • 86 (80) quickly/badly/suddenly etc (adverbs)
  • 87 (81) old/older expensive/more expensive
  • 88 (82) older than … / more expensive than …
  • 89 (83) not as … as
  • 90 (84) the oldest / the most expensive
  • 91 (85) enough
  • 92 (86) too

Word order (Порядок слов)

  • 93 (87) He speaks English very well. (word order 1)
  • 94 (88) always/usually/often etc (word order 2)
  • 95 (89) still yet already
  • 96 (90) Give me that book! Give it to me!

Conjunctions and clauses (Союзы и условные предложения)

  • 97 (103) and, but, or, so, because
  • 98 (104) When …
  • 99 (105) If we go … If you see … etc
  • 100 (-) If I had … If we went … etc
  • 101 (106) a person who … / a thing that/which … (relative clauses 1)New!
  • 102 (107) the people we met / the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses 2)New!

Prepositions (Предлоги)

  • 103 (91) at 8 o’clock on Monday in April
  • 104 (92) from … to until since for
  • 105 (93) before, after, during, while
  • 106 (94) in at on (places 1)
  • 107 (94) in at on (places 2)
  • 108 (95) to in at (places 3)
  • 109 (96) under, behind, opposite etc
  • 110 (97) up, over, through etc
  • 111 (98) on, at, by, with, about
  • 112 (99) afraid of, good at etc of/at/for etc (prepositions) + -ing
  • 113 (100) listen to, look at etc (verb + preposition)

Phrasal verbs (Фразовые глаголы)

  • 114 (101) go in, fall off, run away etc (phrasal verbs 1)s
  • 115 (102) put on your shoes / put your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2)

Appendices (Дополнения)

  • Appendix 1 (-) Active and passive
  • Appendix 2 (1) List of irregular verbs (список неправильных глаголов)
  • Appendix 3 (2) Irregular verbs in groups (неправильные глаголы по группам)
  • Appendix 4 (3) Short forms (he’s/I’d/don’t etc) Сокращения
  • Appendix 5 (4) Spelling
  • Appendix 6 (5) Phrasal verbs (take off/give up etc)
  • Appendix 7 (6) Phrasal verbs + object (put out a fire/give up your job etc)

Additional exercises 1-35 >

Key to Exercises >


  • kristasunny: Обожаю красный учебник Мерфи! Когда-то я по нему занималась с репетитором еще в школе,лет 10 назад. А сейчас я сама преподаю английский и на дополнительных занятиях использую его. Огромное вам спасибо за сайт!
  • sdsdfsdfsdf: Спасибо большое за эту работу, очень классный сайт, таких очень мало в сети, приятно заниматься и понимаешь, что разработчики тяжело работали, чтобы всё усвоилось и было понятно и доступно.

Qiziqarli malumotlar
2015, 4 edition, Essential Grammar in Use, Murphy R