Gemini Ultra va GPT-4: Google hali ham maxfiy sousga ega emas haqida malumot

gemini ultra va gpt 4 google hali ham maxfiy sousga ega emas haqida malumot 65cce7a5cf66a

Gemini Ultra va GPT-4: Google hali ham maxfiy sousga ega emas haqida malumot E’lon qilgandan keyin Gemini family of models nearly two months back, Google has finally released its largest and most capable Ultra 1.0 model with Gemini, the new name for Bard. Google says that it’s the next chapter of the Gemini era, but … Читать далее

O’z joniga qasd qilish guruhi: Adliya ligasi sharhini o’ldiring — shunchaki Gaffe janri haqida malumot

oz joniga qasd qilish guruhi adliya ligasi sharhini oldiring shunchaki gaffe janri haqida malumot 65cce79d82870

O’z joniga qasd qilish guruhi: Adliya ligasi sharhini o’ldiring — shunchaki Gaffe janri haqida malumot Out of all the superhero or, well, villain groups that exist, Suicide Squad is one of the most popular out there. Besides a couple of movies, we haven’t seen any good video game adaptions for the quirky and badass characters. … Читать далее

Minecraft-da shaxsiy rasmni qanday qilish kerak haqida malumot

minecraft da shaxsiy rasmni qanday qilish kerak haqida malumot 65cce794bf104

Minecraft-da shaxsiy rasmni qanday qilish kerak haqida malumot Paintings in Minecraft are a very cool decoration you can use to customize the interior space of your builds. However, most default paintings are pretty strange and sometimes difficult to fit. Thankfully, there is a way you can create your own paintings super easily, thanks to the … Читать далее

Alexa ovozini (va tilini) qanday o’zgartirish mumkin haqida malumot

alexa ovozini va tilini qanday ozgartirish mumkin haqida malumot 65cce78cd5e6a

Alexa ovozini (va tilini) qanday o’zgartirish mumkin haqida malumot Amazon Alexa is supported by a wide range of products, including a huge roster of Echo devices with built-in support – such as the 8 echimini ko’rsatish va Echo nuqta. Hundreds of other smart home products like aqlli termostatlar va xavfsizlik kameralari work with the voice … Читать далее

2024-yilda egizaklarni qanday qilib ilg’or qilish mumkin haqida malumot

2024-yilda egizaklarni qanday qilib ilg’or qilish mumkin haqida malumot A few days ago, Google officially announced that it had renamed its AI Chatbot & assistant, Bard to Gemini. Soon after the launch, Gemini managed to speak a lot of interest & curiosity in the AI group. Now, you also have a Gemini Advanced requiring a … Читать далее

Google Home (Nest) qurilmangizga bir nechta foydalanuvchilarni qanday qo’shish mumkin haqida malumot

google home nest qurilmangizga bir nechta foydalanuvchilarni qanday qoshish mumkin haqida malumot 65cce77ca5aec

Google Home (Nest) qurilmangizga bir nechta foydalanuvchilarni qanday qo’shish mumkin haqida malumot Google Home makes it easy to control all your smart home gadgets from a single location. From smart thermostats and smart speakers to smart bulbs and more, Google Home offers incredible support for all aspects of your household. Part of what makes the … Читать далее

Qanday qilib iPhone-ni zaxiralash mumkin Windows haqida malumot

Qanday qilib iPhone-ni zaxiralash mumkin Windows haqida malumot Whether on an Android or an iPhone, whichever device we use, we store lots of file types on it. If you are a full-time iPhone user, you might already have useful data stored in it, like Photos, Videos, Contacts, Messages, and more. Some of those data could … Читать далее

Ring smart-kamerangizni buzib kirishidan qanday himoya qilish mumkin haqida malumot

ring smart kamerangizni buzib kirishidan qanday himoya qilish mumkin haqida malumot 65cce76c0ac93

Ring smart-kamerangizni buzib kirishidan qanday himoya qilish mumkin haqida malumot Ring smart cameras are remarkably popular. The lineup includes a variety of indoor and outdoor cameras as well as an industry-leading catalog of video doorbells. However, the cameras aren’t without their faults. A few years ago, a class action lawsuit was filed claiming that Ring … Читать далее

IPhone-da telefon raqamingizni qanday topish mumkin (3 usul) haqida malumot

IPhone-da telefon raqamingizni qanday topish mumkin (3 usul) haqida malumot Those days are gone when remembering phone numbers used to be very important. These days, people don’t care to remember anyone’s phone number because contact manager apps do it for free. I have met people who aren’t sure of their own phone numbers as well; … Читать далее

Alexa 911 raqamiga qo’ng’iroq qila oladimi? Favqulodda vaziyatlar uchun Alexa-ni qanday sozlash kerak haqida malumot

alexa 911 raqamiga qongiroq qila oladimi favqulodda vaziyatlar uchun alexa ni qanday sozlash kerak haqida malumot 65cce75bc07ae

Alexa 911 raqamiga qo’ng’iroq qila oladimi? Favqulodda vaziyatlar uchun Alexa-ni qanday sozlash kerak haqida malumot Agar sizning uyingizda Alexa bo’lsa, uni signalizatsiya va musiqa ijro etishdan ko’proq narsa uchun ishlatishingiz mumkin. Qurilma favqulodda vaziyatda yordam berishi mumkin, bu esa kutilmagan inqiroz yuz berganda yordam bilan bog‘lanish imkonini beradi. 2023 yilda Amazon qurilmaga Favqulodda yordam funksiyasini … Читать далее