Bolalar uchun – Salom bolajon Alifbo kitobi

Bolalar uchun – Salom bolajon Alifbo kitobi

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«Bolalar uchun boshlang‘ich ingliz tili»

Bolajonlar uchun ajoyib va quvnoq 3 qismlik boshlang’ich ingliz tili kitoblari. Bolalar bu kitob orqali 1-kitobdan 3-kitobgacha asta-sekin bilimlarini mustahkamlab borishlari mumkin. Umid qilamizki ushbu kitob hammaga manzur bo’ladi.

Tuzuvchi: Gulnoza Holniyozova
Nashriyot: «Yurist-media markazi» nashriyoti
O‘lchami: 84×108 1/32
Hajmi: 32 bet
Muqovasi: Yumshoq
Narxi: 12,000 so’m

Batafsil ma’lumot va xarid qilish: – Kitoblar dunyosi sahifasi – Elektron va audio kitoblar sahifasi.


«Ingliz tili»

«Ingliz tili» (3 qisimlik) Tuzuvchi: Gulnoza HolniyozovaNomi: «Ingliz tili» (Maktabgacha tayyorlov)Nashriyot: «Sano-standart» nashriyoti Hajmi: 1. 48 bet 2. 56 bet 3. 56 betSana: 2016 yilISBN: 1. 978-9943-4581-9-2 2. 978-9943-4582-0-8 3. 978-9943-4582-1-5O‘lchami: 60×84 1/8Muqovasi: Yumshoq

Bolalar uchun – Salom bolajon Alifbo kitobi

Bolalar uchun alifbo dasturi, maktabgacha kitob sherlar, rus va ingliz tili

Последняя версия

21 дек. 2018 г.
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Bolalar uchun – Salom bolajon Alifbo kitobi APP

Assalomu Alaykum qadrdonlar! Bu safargi dasturimiz bolalar uchun eng qulay alifbo. Bu dastur da farzandingiz nafaqat alifboni balkim raqamlarni, ranglarni axloq va odobni ham o’rganadi.
Hammasi bepul va internetsiz ishlaydi.
Ushbu o’zbekcha alifbo uzbek lotin tilida bo’lib, kitob sifat dastur Maktabgacha yoshda (2-6) bo’lgan bolajonlar uchun lotincha alifbedir.
Ushbu uzbekcha programmada farzandlaringiz audio va suratlar ishtirokida dars oladi.
Farzand tarbiyasi bu juda ham muhim bo’lgan jarayon. Ushbu o’zbekcha dasturda biz farzand tarbiyasida ota onalarga ko’maklashamiz. Ushbu Alifbo dasturida o’zbek tilidagi barcha harflar mavjud. Kelasida yana ingliz tili va rus tili darsliklarini ham yosh bolalar uchun kiritish niyyatimiz bor.
Bolalar uchun Salom Bolajon alifbo kitobi.

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Inglizcha she’rlar to’plami bolalar uchun (2023)

Ushbu sahifada bolalar uchun inglizcha she’rlar to’plami joylashtirilgan. Ingliz tilida sher yodlayotgan bolajonlarga oson bo’lishi uchun qisqa 4 qator sherlar topishga harakat qildik. She’rlar umumiy hisobda 27 mavzularga bo’lingan bo’lib ular bog’cha bolalari, 1-sinflar va yuqori yoshdagi bolalarga ham to’g’ri keladi. Umid qilamizki farzandingizga kerak bo’lgan inglizcha (english, englishcha) she’r albatta topiladi. Marhamat!

Aytgancha, agar birorta she’r tarjimasi bilan kerak bo’lib qolsa mana bu > Google Tarjimon dan foydalaning, biroz kulguli tarjima qilishi mumkin, ammo ma’nosini tushunib olsa bo’ladi.

Agar qanday aytilishi kerak bo’lsa mana bu > TTSReader dan foydalaning.

Hozir esa davraga reklamani chaqiramiz:

SONLAR / RAQAMLAR haqida ingliz tilida she’rlar

«Sonlar / raqamlar haqida inglizcha she’r: 0 (zero)»
Round and round
Just like a O
Look, now
You’ve made a 0!

«Sonlar / raqamlar haqida inglizcha she’r: 1 (one)»
Straight line down
And then we are done
That’s the way
To make the one!

«Sonlar / raqamlar haqida inglizcha she’r: 2 (two)»
Round the track and back
Two, two, two.

«Sonlar / raqamlar haqida inglizcha she’r: 3 (three)»
Around a tree
Around a tree
That’s the way
To make a three!

«Sonlar / raqamlar haqida inglizcha she’r: 4 (four)»
Down and over
And down some more
That’s the way
We make a four!

«Sonlar / raqamlar haqida inglizcha she’r: 5 (five)»
The bee goes down
Around the hive
Go back up
To make a five!

«Sonlar / raqamlar haqida inglizcha she’r: 6 (six)»
Make a C
Then in you go
Now you’ve made
A six you know!

«Sonlar / raqamlar haqida inglizcha she’r: 7 (seven)»
Across the sky
Then slant the line
Makes a seven
Every time!

«Sonlar / raqamlar haqida inglizcha she’r: 8 (eight)»
Make an S
And do not wait
Go back up
To make an 8!

«Sonlar / raqamlar haqida inglizcha she’r: 9 (nine)»
First a circle
Then a line
That’s the way
To make a 9!

FASL / FASLLAR haqida ingliz tilida she’rlar

«BAHOR fasli haqida inglizcha she’r»
The fields are rich with daffodils,
A coat of clover cloaks the hills,
And I must dance, and I must sing
To see the beauty of the spring.
(Muallif: Cecil Frances Alexander)

«YOZ fasli haqida inglizcha she’r»
The earth is warm, the sun’s ablaze,
It is a time of carefree days;
And bees abuzz that chance to pass
May see me snoozing in the grass.
(Muallif: Cecil Frances Alexander)

«KUZ fasli haqida inglizcha she’r»
The leaves are yellow, red, and brown,
A shower sprinkles softly down;
The air is fragrant, crisp, and cool,
And once again I’m stuck in school.
(Muallif: Cecil Frances Alexander)

«QISH fasli haqida inglizcha she’r»
The birds are gone, the world is white,
The winds are wild, they chill and bite;
The ground is thick with slush and sleet,
And I can barely feel my feet.
(Muallif: Cecil Frances Alexander)

«Fasllar haqida yuqoridagi she’rlar aslida bir butun yozilgan ekan va mana uning oxirgi 4 qatori»
The birds are gone, the world is white,
The winds are wild, they chill and bite;
The ground is thick with slush and sleet,
And I can barely feel my feet.
(Muallif: Cecil Frances Alexander)

Meva / Mevalar haqida ingliz tilida she’rlar

«Meva / mevalar haqida inglizcha she’r: OLMA (apple)»
Two big apples
Under a tree.
One is for you
And one’s for me.

«Meva / mevalar haqida inglizcha she’r: OLCHA / GILOS (cherry)»
Cherries, cherries,
Ruby red,
Want to try one?
Go ahead!

«Meva / mevalar haqida inglizcha she’r: APELSIN (orange)»
First you have to peel the skin.
Throw it all in the garbage bin.
Then you take a juicy slice
Of your orange — very nice!

«Meva / mevalar haqida inglizcha she’r: UZUM (grapes)»
Lots of little balls to munch,
Grow together in a bunch.
Carefully picked from the tree,
Tasty grapes for you and me!

«Meva / mevalar haqida inglizcha she’r: NOK (pear)»
Soft and sweet and almost round.
Color is a greeny-brown.
Eat it with the skin or bare.
It’s a juicy pear!

Sabzavot haqida ingliz tilida she’rlar

«Sabzavot haqida inglizcha she’r: Kartoshka va pomidor»
My name is potato
I have a friend tomato
Please, keep us together
We are friends forever!

«Sabzavot haqida inglizcha she’r: Bodring»
Teacher and farmer
Doctor and plumber
Everybody likes you
Dear cucumber!

«Sabzavot haqida inglizcha she’r: Sabzi»
There is a saying
By my parrot
Kids have to eat
A lot of carrot!

«Sabzavot haqida inglizcha she’r: Piyoz»
He is white
And he is round
He grows under
And above the ground
He makes cry everyone
He is a famous onion!

Hayvonlar haqida ingliz tilida she’rlar

«Hayvonlar haqida inglizcha she’r: MUSHUK (cat)»
I love my cat.
It is warm and fat.
My cat is grey.
It likes to play.

«Hayvonlar haqida inglizcha she’r: TOSHBAQA (turtle)»
I have a little turtle,
He lives in a box.
He swims in the water
And he climbs on the rocks.

«Hayvonlar haqida inglizcha she’r: KUCHUK / IT (dog)»
My dog can’t talk
But he can bark!
I take my dog
And go to the park!

«Hayvonlar haqida inglizcha she’r: MAYMUN (monkey)»
Look up there,
And you will see
The monkeys swinging
From the tree.
I like the way
They jump and flee.
Now, do they want
Some nuts from me?

Ranglar haqida ingliz tilida she’rlar

«Ranglar haqida inglizcha she’r: SIYOHRANG (purple)»
Purple is a grape.
Purple is a plum.
Purple is my favorite juice.
Shall I get you some?

«Ranglar haqida inglizcha she’r: OQ (white)»
Milk is white and so is glue,
Chickens are white and they say

«Ranglar haqida inglizcha she’r: JIGARRANG (brown)»
Brown is the mud.
Brown is the bear.
Brown is the color
Of my brother’s hair.

«Ranglar haqida inglizcha she’r: PUSHTI (pink)»
Let’s make the color pink.
Let’s make the color pink.
Mixing red and white, I think,
We’ll make the color pink.

«Ranglar haqida inglizcha she’r: QORA (black)»
Black is the night.
Black is a bat.
Black is a big scary
Halloween cat!

«Ranglar haqida inglizcha she’r: YASHIL (green)»
Green is the grass,
Under both my feet.
And green is the cucumber,
My mother makes me eat!

«Ranglar haqida inglizcha she’r: KO’K (blue)»
Blue is the ocean.
Blue is the sky.
Blue are the blueberries
I put into the pie.

«Ranglar haqida inglizcha she’r: QIZIL (red)»
Red is an apple
Red is a rose
Red is the color of
My frozen, icy nose!

Tabiat va Fasllar haqida ingliz tilida she’rlar

«Tabiat va Fasllar haqida inglizcha she’r: UMUMIY»
Spring is green.
Summer is brigth,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.

«Tabiat va Fasllar haqida inglizcha she’r: BAHOR fasli (spring)»
During the Spring, it often showers.
Or the sun shines for many hours.
Both are good for the flowers!

«Tabiat va Fasllar haqida inglizcha she’r: YOZ fasli (summer)»
A summer day
Has rain or sun,
But either way
I find it fun.
To stand in rain
That’s pouring down
Or lie in sun
That paints me brown.

«Tabiat va Fasllar haqida inglizcha she’r: KUZ fasli (autumn)»
Down, down
Yellow and brown
The leaves are falling
Over the town.

«Tabiat va Fasllar haqida inglizcha she’r: QISH fasli (winter)»
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white
All day and night.

Yangi yil haqida ingliz tilida she’rlar

«Yangi yil haqida inglizcha she’r: 1»
New Year’s Day, a happy day!
We are glad and want to play.
We all dance and sing and say:
“Welcome! Welcome! New Year’s Day!”

«Yangi yil haqida inglizcha she’r: 2»
New things to see,
New things to hear,
New things to do
In this glad New Year!

«Yangi yil haqida inglizcha she’r: 3»
A happy New Year!
The day is so clear,
The snow is so white,
The sky is so bright,
We shout with all our might:
«A happy New Year!»

«Yangi yil haqida inglizcha she’r: 4»
If something is wrong,
This year will fix it all.
You need to be strong
And you’ll get what you want!
Happy New Year!

Archa haqida ingliz tilida she’rlar

«Archa haqida inglizcha she’r: 1»
There is a tall tree in the forest
I love it so much to be honest
It brings presents for free
It is a New Year Tree!

«Archa haqida inglizcha she’r: 2»
Hello-hello New Year Tree!
You are tall and you are green
For you there are lot’s of toys
Brought by funny girls and boys!

«Archa haqida inglizcha she’r: 3»
Hang up the lights
Hang up the garlands
Now, let’s count
One two three
Sparkle and Shine
New year tree!

8-mart haqida ingliz tilida she’rlar

«8-mart haqida inglizcha she’r: 1»
We celebrate today
International Women’s Day
I would like to say
Be happy everyday!

«8-mart haqida inglizcha she’r: 2»
There is one holiday in March
Girls love it so much
Many gifts they get
For example — a cute pet!

«8-mart haqida inglizcha she’r: 3»
Dear sisters and mothers
Aunts and grandmothers
Happy women’s day!
Be healthy everyday!

«8-mart haqida inglizcha she’r: 4»
Welcome March Eight!
We don’t want to wait
Let’s celebrate today
International Women’s Day!

Qiziqarli malumotlar
Bolalar uchun – Salom bolajon Alifbo kitobi