Ingliz Tilidan Onlayn Attestatsiya Testlari №2

Ingliz Tilidan Onlayn Attestatsiya Testlari №2

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Yaqin kunlarda bo’ladigan ingliz tili fanidan attestatsiyaga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida attestatsiya namunasidagi 20ta savol berilgan. Testlarni ishlab o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring! Ushbu savollar faqatgina tayyorgarlik ko’rish uchun va HECH QANDAY tushish ehtimoli yo’q!


18 / 20

Complete the following description by inserting the verbs in the correct tense, fix = carry = grow = fall = spread
A seed ______ from tree to the forest floor or ______ along by the wind, or by a bird or other animal. Lying dormant until the arrival of the spring, the seed then sprouts roots _____ it into the ground. The seed begins ____ and in time develops into a fragile sapling. Eventually, the sapling grows into a tree, whose seeds in turn _____ by the wind.

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Agar sizda “Start” tugmasini bosganingizda test boshlanmasa, boshqa browserdan ochib ko’ring. Masalan Yandex Browser yoki UC Browser (UC mini emas)

Attestatsiya test №1
Attestatsiya test №3
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Attestatsiya test №6
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Attestatsiya test №8


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Agar sizda “Start” tugmasini bosganingizda test boshlanmasa, boshqa browserdan ochib ko’ring. Masalan Yandex Browser yoki UC Browser (UC mini emas)Attestatsiya test №1Attestatsiya test №3Attestatsiya test №4Attestatsiya test №5Attestatsiya test №6Attestatsiya test №7Attestatsiya test №8

Ingliz Tilidan Onlayn Attestatsiya Testlari №2