57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….?

57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….?

Bugungi mavzuyimiz har kungi hayotmizda tez-tez beradigan savollar bilan bog’liq. Tasavvur qiling sizga kimdur, nimadir yoki qayerdir kerak.

Lekin qidirganimizni topishda beradigan savollarimiz aslida qanday tuziladi?

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57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….? 13

Avvalo bunday holatda biz o’zimiz bilmagan holda bitta emas ikkita savol beramiz.

Can you tell me where is the station? (Stansiya qayerdaligini aytolmaysizmi?)

Birinchisi: aytolmaysizmi Ikinchisi: Stansiya qayerda

First: Can you tell me Second: Where is the station

Ingliz tilida bu gap quyidagicha yoziladi.

1: Can you tell me 2: Where is the station? 1:Can you tell me 2: Where the station is? Can you tell me where the station is?

1:Do you know (Bilasizmi) 2:When did he come? (U qachon keldi?) 1:Do you know 2:When he came? Do you know where he came?

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57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….? 14

Agar savol qismda do/ does/ did ko’makchilari bor bo’lsa ular ikkinchi gapda yo’qolib ketadi va gap darak shaklga o’zgaradi.

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57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….? 15

Quyidagi misollarga e’tibor bering.

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57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….? 16

Endi biz When/Which?Where kabi WH so’zlari yo’q gaplar ham bor.


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Jack uydami? Ularda mashina bormi? Ben suzaoladimi? Ular buyerga yaqin yashashadimi? Seni kimdir ko’ridmi?

Bu holatda biz ikki gapni bog’lashda IF hamda WHETHER dan foydalanamiz.

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57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….? 17
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Exercise 1. Savollarga javob yozing.

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57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….? 18

2 I don’t know where she is.
3 I don’t know how old it is.
4 I don’t know when he’ll be here.
5 I don’t know why he was angry.
6 I don’t know how long she has lived here.

Exercise 2. Gaplarni to’ldiring.

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57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….? 19

2 where Susan works
3 what Peter said
4 why he went home early
5 what time the meeting begins
6 how the accident happened

Exercise 3. Do you know if birikmasi bilan savollarni yozing.

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57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….? 20

2 Do you know if/whether they are married?
3 Do you know if/whether Sue knows Bill?
4 Do you know if/whether Gary will be here tomorrow?
5 Do you know if/whether he passed his exam?

New words (Yangi so’zlar)

1 long time uzoq vaqt 9 meeting uchrashuv
2 here shu yer 10 airplanes samolyotlar
3 because chunki 11 fly uchmoq
4 early erta 12 put qo’ymoq
5 begin boshlamoq 13 go bormoq
6 happen sodir bo’lmoq 14 key kalit
7 remember eslamoq 15 near yaqinida
8 know bilmoq 16 sea dengiz


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Lekin qidirganimizni topishda beradigan savollarimiz aslida qanday tuziladi?

57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….?