69-dars. I/me/my/mine

69-dars. I/me/my/mine

69 dars
Bugun I/me/my/mine so'zlarini ko'rib chiqing. Ularning ildizi bir xil (men), bu "men" olmoshiga ishora qiladi. Men va mening orasidagi farq shundaki, ular gapning turli joylarida uchraydigan olmoshlardir. Ulardan biri ismga biriktirilgan va uni belgilaydi, ikkinchisi "erkin joylarda".
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Ingliz tili maxsus. Shu jumladan, chunki unda so'zlar juda ko'p. Bundan tashqari, ular bir xil yoki deyarli bir xil narsalarni anglatishi mumkin. Va bu yerda noto'g'ri tanlov qilmaslik muhim. Mening va mening o'rtasidagi farq haqida savol tug'ilganda, ikkita qo'shiq yodga tushadi.
The world is mine… .  Dunyo meniki...
Oh, my love, my darling, I hunger for your touch…  O,mening sevgim,mening azizam, menga sening  tegishing kerak                   

Exercises 1. Bir xil yo’l bilan savollarga javob bering.

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2 Yes, I know her, but I can’t remember her name.
3 Yes, I know them, but I can’t remember their names.
4 Yes, I know you, but I can’t remember your name.

Exercises 2. Bir xil yo’l bilan gaplarni to’ldiring.

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2 He invited us to stay with him at his house.
3 They invited me to stay with them at their house.
4 I invited them to stay with me at my house.
5 She invited us to stay with her at her house.
6 Did you invite him to stay with you at your house?

Exercises 3. Bir xil yo’l bilan gaplarni to’ldiring.

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2 I gave her my phone number, and she gave me hers.
3 He gave me his phone number, and I gave him mine.
4 We gave them our phone number, and they gave us theirs.
5 She gave him her phone number, and he gave her his.
6 You gave us your phone number, and we gave you ours.
7 They gave you their phone number, and you gave them yours.


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Exercises 2. Bir xil yo’l bilan gaplarni to’ldiring.

69-dars. I/me/my/mine