About Linguaskill exam

About Linguaskill exam


The Linguaskill exam is a type of online exam organized by Cambridge Assessment English, which is mainly organized by educational institutions for the purposes of assessing students, determining language proficiency levels, and for employers to determine the language proficiency level of their employees. This exam is conducted in 3 modules of 4 skills in total:

Reading and Listening

The difference from other exams is that the exam is given entirely on a computer. Test results will be known within 48 hours. The assessment of the results will be according to the CEFR and the following grades will be awarded for the following scores:
100-119 = A1 (Beginner) level
120-139 = A2 (Elementary) level.
140 -159 = B1 (Pre-Intermediate – Intermediate) level.
160 -179 = B2 (Upper-Intermediate) level.
180 + = corresponds to C1 (Advanced) level.
The only organization authorized to conduct the Linguaskills exam in Uzbekistan is the Innovative Center in Samarkand. The cost of taking the exam is 980,000 soums for all skills. The certificate is valid for 2 years.
A 50 percent salary bonus for English language teachers is set for obtaining a C1 level in the exam.


Linguaskill imtihoni haqida

Linguaskill imtihoni Cambridge Assessment English tomonidan tashkil qilinadigan onlayn imtihon turi bo’lib, asosan ta’lim institutlari tomonidan talabalarni baholash, til bilish darajalarini aniqlash, ish beruvchilar uchun hodimlarining til bilish darajasini aniqlash maqsadlarida tashkil qilinadi. Ushbu imtihon jami 4ta ko’nikma 3ta modulda o’tkaziladi:

Reading and Listening

Boshqa imtihonlardan farqi imtihon to’liq kompyuterda topshiriladi. Test natijalari 48 soat ichida ma’lum bo’ladi. Natijalarni baholash CEFR bo’yicha bo’ladi va quyidagi ballar uchun quyidagi darajalar beriladi:
100-119 = A1 (Beginner) daraja
120-139 = A2 (Elementary) daraja.
140 -159 = B1 (Pre-Intermediate – Intermediate) daraja.
160 -179 = B2 (Upper-Intermediate) daraja.
180 + = C1 (Advanced) darajaga to’g’ri keladi.
O’zbekistonda Linguaskills imtihonini o’tkazish vakolatiga ega yagona tashkilot Samarqanddagi Innovative Centre bo’lib. Ularda imtihon topshirish narxi barcha ko’nikmalar uchun 980 ming so’m. Sertifikat amal qilish muddati 2 yil.
Imtihondan C1 darajasi olinganda ingliz tili o’qituvchilari oyligiga 50 foiz ustama to’lanishi belgilangan.

Boshqa imtihonlar:
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About Linguaskill exam