99-Dars. Give me that book! / Give it to me!

99-Dars. Give me that book! / Give it to me!

Bugungi darsimizda ayrim fe’llarni 2 xil shakldagi ishlatilish usulini o’rganamiz. Bunda ma’no bir xil, usul esa boshqa bo’ladi. Buni quyidagi fe’llar bilan ko’rib chiqamiz:

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99-Dars. Give me that book! / Give it to me! 9
  • Ushbu fe’llar(give/lend etc.)dan so’ng, gaplarni 2 xil shaklda tuzishingiz mumkin:
99-Dars. Give me that book! / Give it to me! 10
  • give something to somebody – kimgadir nimanidir bermoq
99-Dars. Give me that book! / Give it to me! 11
  • give somebody something – kimgadir nimanidir bermoq
99-Dars. Give me that book! / Give it to me! 12

Demak, yuqoridagi holatdan o’rganadiganimiz shuki, agar fe’ldan so’ng shaxs kelsa hech qanday predlog(to/for)lar qo’yilmaydi, fe’ldan so’ng ot kelsa, shaxsdan oldin, albatta, predlog qo’yiladi.

  • Siz, shuningdek, ‘buy/get somebody something’ni ishlatishingiz mumkin:

I bought my mother some flowers.   (= I bought some flowers for my mother.)

Men onamga bir qancha gullar sotib oldim. (= Onam uchun bir qancha gullar sotib oldim.)

I’m going to the shop.  Can I get you anything?   (= get anything for you)

Do’konga bormoqchiman. Senga biror narsa olaymi? (= sen uchun biror narsa olmoq)

I gave the keys to Sarah.   and    I gave Sarah the keys.  (but not I gave to Sarah the keys)

Men kalitlarni Saraga berdim.    va    Men Saraga kalitlarni berdim. (ammo I gave to Sarah the keys emas)

That’s my book.  Can you give it to me?   and    Can you give me that book?  (but not Can you give to me that book?)

Anavi mening kitobim. Uni menga berib yubora olasanmi?   va   Menga anavi kitobni berib yubora olasanmi?  (ammo Can you give to me that book? emas)

  • Biz 1- uslub(give something to somebody)ni it yoki them bilan qo’llashni afzal ko’ramiz:

I gave it to her.   (not I gave her it)

Men unga u(kalitlar)ni berdim.  (I gave her it emas)

Here are the keys.  Give them to your father.    (not Give your father them)

Bu yerda kalitlar. Ularni otangga ber.  (Give your father them emas)

Exercise 1. Siz do’stingizga sovg’alarni berdingiz. Siz rasmdagi narsalarni ularga berishga qaror qildingiz. Har bir inson uchun gap yozing.

99-Dars. Give me that book! / Give it to me! 13

2 I gave Joanna a plant.
3 I gave Richard a tie.
4 I gave Emma some chocolates / a box of chocolates.
5 I gave Rachel some flowers / a bunch of flowers.
6 I gave Kevin a wallet

Exercise 2. Savollarni Can you give me  … ? / Can you pass me … ? etc. bilan boshlab yozing.

99-Dars. Give me that book! / Give it to me! 14

2 Can you lend me an umbrella?
3 Can you give me your address?
4 Can you lend me twenty pounds?
5 Can you send me more information?
6 Can you show me the letter?

Exercise 3. Qaysi biri to’g’ri?

99-Dars. Give me that book! / Give it to me! 15

2 lend you some money
3 send the bill to me
4 buy you a present
5 pass me the sugar
6 give it to her
7 showed the policeman my identity card


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Demak, yuqoridagi holatdan o’rganadiganimiz shuki, agar fe’ldan so’ng shaxs kelsa hech qanday predlog(to/for)lar qo’yilmaydi, fe’ldan so’ng ot kelsa, shaxsdan oldin, albatta, predlog qo’yiladi.

99-Dars. Give me that book! / Give it to me!