64-dars. Do and make

64-dars. Do and make

64 dars
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64-dars. Do and make 12

Sizlar bilan bugun do hamda makening asosiy vazifalarini o’rganamiz.


What are you doing this evening? (Bu kech nima qilyapsan?) I did a lot of things yesterday. (Men kecha juda ko’p ish qildim).

What do you do? = What’s your job?: Kasbing nima?


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U qahva tayyorlayapti. U to’rt tayyorladi. Ular soyabontayyorlaydi.
U Xitoyda ishlab chiqarilgan.

Do hamda Make ni taqqoslaymiz

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64-dars. Do and make 13

DO bilan birga ishlatiladigan so’zlar.

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Imtihon/ test topshirmoq Kurs bajarmoq Vazifa bajarmoq Uy ishlarini qilmoq Kimningdir roziligini olmoq Vazifa bajarmoq

Bundan tashqari do bilan juda ko’p birikmalarni aytishimiz mumkin

do the shopping / do the washing / do the washing-up / do the ironing /
I did the washing, but I didn’t do the shopping.

image 70

Xato qilmoq Uchrashuvga yozilmoq Qo’ng’iroq qilmoq Ro’yxat qilmoq Shovqin qilmoq O’rnini tuzatmoq

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64-dars. Do and make 14

Exercise 1. Make yoki do so’zlarini mosini qo’ying

image 72
64-dars. Do and make 15

2 do 7 done
3 make 8 make
4 made 9 making
5 did 10 do
6 do 11 doing

Exercise 2. Suratlarga qarang va gaplarni to’ldiring

image 73
64-dars. Do and make 16

2 They’re/They are doing (their) homework.
3 He’s/He is doing the shopping, or He is shopping.
4 She’s/She is making a jacket.
5 They’re/They are doing an exam, (or … taking an exam.)
6 He’s/He is making the/his bed.
7 She’s/She is doing the washing-up. or She is washing up.
/ She is doing the dishes. / She is washing the dishes.
8 He’s/He is making a (shopping) list.
9 They’re/They are making a film.
10 He’s/He is taking a picture/ photo/photograph.

Exercise 3. Make va Do ning mos shaklini toping.

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64-dars. Do and make 17

2 make 8 make
3 do 9 do
4 done 10 making
5 made 11 made
6 doing 12 make… do
7 did


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64-dars. Do and make