6 sinf ona tili 203 mashq javobi
– Privacy protection
Multiple protection mechanisms to guarantee your account security.
TeraBox achieves commercial functions. On the basis of the 1TB free large space function, Premium members can acquire more high-quality benefits: 2TB large space, download high-speed channel, video 2.0x speed playback, video automatic backup, 1080P playback, super large file upload, etc.
[Premium Membership Program Description]
-Subscription period: 1 month (continuous monthly purchase), 1 month (non-consecutive months purchase), 3 months (continuous quarterly purchase), 12 months (continuous annual purchase).
-Subscription price: $2.99 /month for consecutive months purchase, $3.99 /month for non-consecutive months purchase, $10.99 for non-consecutive quarters purchase, $38.99 /year for non-consecutive years purchase
-Payment: Premium membership products include “continuous month purchase/discontinuous month purchase /discontinuous season purchase /discontinuous year purchase”
-Automatic repurchase: APP Store account will be automatically deducted within 24 hours before expiration. If the withdrawal is successful, the subscription period will be extended by one cycle. Please pay close attention to your subscription and deductions, because Google will cancel withdrawals from time to time during the deduction period instead of canceling your subscription.
-Cancel repurchase: If you want to cancel the automatic repurchase, please cancel 24 hours before the current subscription expires.
Terms of Use: https://www.terabox.com/box-static/disk-system/html/wap_duty.html
Privacy Policy: https://www.terabox.com/box-static/disk-system/html/wap_privacy .html
Terms of service for automatic repurchase: https://www.terabox.com/wap/commercial/membershipagreement
6 sinf ona tili 203 mashq javobi
Prezident 2022–2026 yillarga mo‘ljallangan Yangi O‘zbekiston taraqqiyot strategiyasini “Insonga e’tibor va sifatli ta’lim yili”da amalga oshirishga oid davlat dasturi to‘g‘risidagi farmonni imzoladi.
Prezident farmoni bilan:
2023 yil 1 iyuldan boshlab tadbirkorlik sub’yektlariga nisbatan yangi turdagi javobgarlik va jazo choralarini joriy etishga uch yillik moratoriy o‘rnatiladi;
tintuv o‘tkazish, telefon so‘zlashuvlarini eshitib turish va mulkni xatlashga sanksiya berish vakolati prokurorlardan sudlarga o‘tkaziladi;
2023/2024 o‘quv yilidan boshlab respublikaning barcha viloyatlari va Toshkent shahrida boshlang‘ich sinf o‘quvchilarini bepul ovqat bilan ta’minlash yo‘lga qo‘yiladi;
“O‘zbekiston ipotekani qayta moliyalashtirish kompaniyasi” AJning ipoteka obligatsiyalarini chiqarish va joylashtirish uchun kompaniyaning ustav fondi 100 million AQSh dollari ekvivalentiga yetkaziladi va bunda jalb qilingan mablag‘lar ipoteka kreditlari uchun resurs sifatida banklarga joylashtiriladi.
6 sinf ona tili 203 mashq javobi
1. Qismlari o’zaro ko’makchi yordamida bog’langan fe’lli birikmani toping?
A) qayg’urgani uchun
B) gapirishdan oldin o’ylamoq
C) ukasi singari qadrli
D) ilgari yurmoq
2. Sof kk’makchilar berilgan javobni toping.
A) singari, bilan, hatto
B) avval, qarab, kabi
C) uchun, agar, haqida
D) tufayli, sari, uzra
3. Lekin u bu gapni hech kimga aytmagan edi.
Ushbu gapda olmoshning ma’no jihatdan necha turi qatnashgan?
A) 4
B) 1
C) 3
D) 2
4. Qaysi so’zlar imloviy jihatdan xato yozilgan?
A) tahqirlamoq, taxmin
B) tannarh, taxlil
C) tahsil, tahsin
D) tahdid, tahlika
5. Qaysi javobda “esi chiqib ketmoq” iborasining ma’nosi to’g’ri izohlangan?
A) unutib qo’ymoq
B) aqlidan ayrilmoq
C) nihoyatda qattiq qo’rqmoq
D) shoshib qolmoq
6. Qaysi gapda ega kesim qatnashgan?
A) Yomonni tanqid qil, yaxshiga – taqlid
B) Arqog’ini ko’rib bo’zini ol,
Onasini ko’rib – qizini
C) Yomonda or bo’lmas,
Yaxshi xor bo’lmas
D) Avval o’ylash kerak, so’ngra so’zlash kerak
7. Imloviy jihatdan xato yozilgan so’zlar berilgan javobni aniqlang?
A) kangress, lovulla, misdan
B) darvozabon, orzum, xolavachcha
C) masxaravoz, kelmapti, gurilla
D) metal, ra’y, shu’la
8. Qaysi javobda miqdor sonning bir ma’noviy turiga mansub so’zlar qatori berilgan?
A) sakkiz, uchalasi, qirqta
B) beshdan ikki, chorak, yarim
C) beshtadan, yettita, minglab
D) yuzlab, mingtacha, to’qqiz
9. Qaysi javobda xususiyat bildiruvchi yasama sıfat berilgan?
A) kuzgi
B) do’ppili
C) xushbo’y
D) xunuk
10. Qaysi so’zlar qatorida boshqalari bilan o’zaro ma’nodoshlik hosil qila olmaydigan so’z ishtirok etgan ?
A) belamoq, bulg’amoq, qormoq
B) bahs, munozara, aql
C) iqbol, tole, saodat
D) beg’ubor, sof, musaffo
TeraBox: 1024GB Cloud Storage 4+
TeraBox is a FREE cloud storage tool for documents backup, files sharing and video storage. Get 1TB (1024 GB) of secure cloud storage, transfer files across your all devices, share it with family and friends.
FREE cloud drive for backup your documents safely
* 1024GB of free cloud storage to back up all your files.
* Upload multiple types of files to TeraBox.
* Multiple privacy protections.
* Safely storage your files with any devices.
* Quickly access recent and important files.
* Intelligent classified album.
* Sharing the files privately.
With TeraBox cloud drive you can:
– Get huge cloud storage space
Install TeraBox now to get 1024 GB cloud space and save your documents anywhere.
– Automatic files backup
cloud storage and backup your files anywhere.
– Multi-device sync
sync files across all your devices anywhere (available for iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux and any popular web browser).
– Intelligent album
Automatically categorize all the photos you upload. Easy to find out the photo you want in intelligent classification of the album.
– Find files faster
Search easily for files by name and classification.
– Secure file sharing
Share your documents with permissions. (people need your special code to access your sharing, or you set the link public for anyone to see.)
– Privacy protection
Multiple protection mechanisms to guarantee your account security.
TeraBox achieves commercial functions. On the basis of the 1TB free large space function, Premium members can acquire more high-quality benefits: 2TB large space, download high-speed channel, video 2.0x speed playback, video automatic backup, 1080P playback, super large file upload, etc.
[Premium Membership Program Description]
-Subscription period: 1 month (continuous monthly purchase), 1 month (non-consecutive months purchase), 3 months (continuous quarterly purchase), 12 months (continuous annual purchase).
-Subscription price: $2.99 /month for consecutive months purchase, $3.99 /month for non-consecutive months purchase, $10.99 for non-consecutive quarters purchase, $38.99 /year for non-consecutive years purchase
-Payment: Premium membership products include “continuous month purchase/discontinuous month purchase /discontinuous season purchase /discontinuous year purchase”
-Automatic repurchase: APP Store account will be automatically deducted within 24 hours before expiration. If the withdrawal is successful, the subscription period will be extended by one cycle. Please pay close attention to your subscription and deductions, because Google will cancel withdrawals from time to time during the deduction period instead of canceling your subscription.
-Cancel repurchase: If you want to cancel the automatic repurchase, please cancel 24 hours before the current subscription expires.
Terms of Use: https://www.terabox.com/box-static/disk-system/html/wap_duty.html
Privacy Policy: https://www.terabox.com/box-static/disk-system/html/wap_privacy .html
Terms of service for automatic repurchase: https://www.terabox.com/wap/commercial/membershipagreement
Any questions for TeraBox (FREE 1024 GB cloud storage & automatically back up all files), Please contact us: helpdesk@terabox.com
Qiziqarli malumotlar
6 sinf ona tili 203 mashq javobi