56-Dars. Who is she talking to? What is it like?

56-Dars. Who is she talking to? What is it like?

56 dars
image 282
56-Dars. Who is she talking to? What is it like? 11

Bugungi mavzuyimiz fe’llar bilan birga keladigan predloglar orqali savollar tuzish.

Who … ? / What … ? / Where … ? / Which … ? so’zlari bilan birga keluvchi predloglar (to/from/with etc) doim gap so’ngida keladi.

image 284
56-Dars. Who is she talking to? What is it like? 12

Where are you from?’ ( Qayerdansan?) ‘What was he afraid of?’( U nimadan qo’rqad?i) ‘Which hospital is he in?’ (U qaysi kasalxonada?) ‘Who is she going with?’( U kim bilan ketyapti?)

What’s it like / What are they like?

(U qanday? Ular qanday?)

image 285
56-Dars. Who is she talking to? What is it like? 13
image 287

Ko’chamizda yangi restaran bor. U qanday? Bilmayman. U yerda hali ovqatlanmadim.

image 288

Ta’tilda yaxshi dam oldingmi? Ob havosi qanday edi?

U juda ajoyib edi. Har kuni quyoshli edi?

Exercise 1. Quyidagi belgilar XXXXX o’rniga savol olmoshlarini qo’yib gaplar tuzing.

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56-Dars. Who is she talking to? What is it like? 14

2 What are you looking for?
3 Who did you go to the cinema with?
4 What/Who was the film about?
5 Who did you give the money to?
6 Who was the book written by?

Exercise 2. Siz boshqa davlat haqida axborot olishni xohaysiz. U qanday birikmasi orqali savollar tuzing.

image 291
56-Dars. Who is she talking to? What is it like? 15

2 What is the food like?
3 What are the people like?
4 What is the weather like?

Exercise 3. U qanday birikmasi orqali savol tuzing

image 292
56-Dars. Who is she talking to? What is it like? 16

2 What was the film like?
3 What were the lessons like?
4 What was the hotel like?

New Words (Yangi so’zlar)

1 hair sochiq 9 country davlat
2 want xohlamoq 10 the country qishloq
3 dear qadrli 11 road yo’l
4 eagle burgut 12 town shaharcha
5 cinema kinoteatr 13 weather ob-havo
6 lesson dars 14 holiday ta’til
7 hotel mehmonxona 15 back orqa
8 team jamoa 16 come kelmoq


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Who … ? / What … ? / Where … ? / Which … ? so’zlari bilan birga keluvchi predloglar (to/from/with etc) doim gap so’ngida keladi.

56-Dars. Who is she talking to? What is it like?