54-Dars isn’t, haven’t, don’t. Negatives

54-Dars isn’t, haven’t, don’t. Negatives

54 dars

Biz bugungi mavzuyimizda gaplar NOT yuklamasi orqali inkor shaklga o’zgarishini o’rganamiz.

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54-Dars isn’t, haven’t, don’t. Negatives 12


am am not (’m not)
is is not (isn’t or ’s not)
are are not (aren’t or ’re not)
was was not (wasn’t)
were were not (weren’t)
have have not (haven’t)
has has not (hasn’t)
will will not (won’t)
can cannot (can’t)
could could not (couldn’t)
must must not (mustn’t)
should should not (shouldn’t)
would would not (wouldn’t)

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Men charchamadim. Yomg’ir yog’mayapti. Ular bu yerda emas. Julia och emas edi. Do’konlar ochiq emas edi. Men ishimni tugatmadim. Suening mashinasi yo’q. Ertaga bu yerda bo’lmaymiz. Jorj mashina haydolmaaydi. O’tgan tun uxlay olmadim. Janega qong’iroq qilishni unutmasligim kerak. Sen qattiq ishlamasliging kerak. Aktyor bo’lish yoqmaydi.


Biz zamon shakillariga qarab don’t/doesn’t/didn’t ko’makchi fe’lidan foydalanamiz.

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Past simple

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54-Dars isn’t, haven’t, don’t. Negatives 13

Don’t bilan buyruq gaplarning inkor ma’nosi ishlatiladi.

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Qara!– Qarama
Meni kut– Meni kutma

Ba’zida do asosiy fe’l sifatida keladi. (don’t do / doesn’t do / didn’t do)

Do something! → Don’t do anything! Biror narsa qil -Hech narsa qilma

Exercise 1 Gaplarning inkor shaklini yozing.

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54-Dars isn’t, haven’t, don’t. Negatives 14

2 They aren’t / They’re not married.
3 I haven’t had dinner.
4 It isn’t cold today.
5 We won’t be late.
6 You shouldn’t go.

Exercise 2 Gaplarni inkor shaklda to’ldiring.

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54-Dars isn’t, haven’t, don’t. Negatives 15

2 ‘m not / am not
3 can’t
4 doesn’t
5 isn’t / ‘s not
6 don’t… haven’t
7 Don’t
8 didn’t
9 haven’t
10 won’t
11 didn’t
12 weren’t
13 hasn’t
14 shouldn’t / mustn’t

Exercise 3 Gaplarni inkor shaklda yozing.

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54-Dars isn’t, haven’t, don’t. Negatives 16

2 They haven’t arrived.
3 I didn’t go to the bank.
4 He doesn’t speak German.
5 We weren’t angry.
6 He won’t be pleased.
7 Don’t call me tonight.
8 It didn’t rain yesterday.
9 I couldn’t hear them.
10 I don’t believe you


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54-Dars isn’t, don’t. Negatives, haven’t