5-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar

5-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar

5 sinf guess what

5-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar. Ushbu sahifada ingliz tili fanidan yangi darsliklar (Guess What va Prepare darsliklari) 1 soatlik namunaviy dars ishlanmalar namunalari bilan tanishishingiz mumkin.


Unit 0. Around the world

Unit 1.  Family and pets

Unit 2. On the playground


Unit 3 Under the ocean

Unit 4. Gadgets


  • 5-sinf Reading a line chart
  • 5-sinf Project

Unit 5. Natural world

  • 5-sinf Natural features
  • 5-sinf My vacation
  • 5-sinf Your vacation
  • 5-sinf Review
  • 5-sinf Feedback / Project Presentations
  • 5-sinf Reading (story)
  • 5-sinf The most interesting animal
  • 5-sinf Billy’s vacation
  • 5-sinf Volcanoes
  • 5-sinf Project

Unit 6 Helping at home

  • 5-sinf
  • 5-sinf My jobs around the house
  • 5-sinf Helping in class
  • 5-sinf Review
  • 5-sinf Feedback / Project Presentations
  • 5-sinf Reading (story)
  • 5-sinf Homes
  • 5-sinf Sasha’s jobs at home
  • 5-sinf Castles
  • 5-sinf Project
  • 5-sinf Review
  • 5-sinf Review
  • 5-sinf Feedback / Project Presentations
  • 5-sinf Project presentations

Unit 7 Feelings


  • 5-sinf How is she feeling?
  • 5-sinf Why are you tired?
  • 5-sinf Review
  • 5-sinf Feedback
  • 5-sinf Reading (story)
  • 5-sinf Favorite books
  • 5-sinf Jack and the beanstalk
  • 5-sinf How do animals communicate?
  • 5-sinf Project

Unit 8 Outdoor sports

  • 5-sinf Outdoor sports and activities
  • 5-sinf Last weekend
  • 5-sinf Past activities
  • 5-sinf Review
  • 5-sinf Feedback / Project Presentations
  • 5-sinf Reading (story)
  • 5-sinf Malia’s club
  • 5-sinf Unusual sports
  • 5-sinf What makes our bodies move?
  • 5-sinf Project
  • 5-sinf Review
  • 5-sinf Review

Siz yuqoridagi tayyor mavzular bo’yicha dars ishlanma olishingiz yoki tayyor yo’q mavzularga buyurtma berishingiz mumkin. Tanlagan mavzu bo’yicha shu namunada dars ishlanma tayyorlab beramiz. Telegram orqali @uzteachers_admin adresiga yoki telegramdan +998911800985 raqamiga bog’langing. Bog’lanish faqat telegram orqali! Telefon qilinganda yoki sms yozilganda javob berilmaydi!


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5-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar