49-dars. It…

49-dars. It…

49 dars

It ingliz tiliga bu deb tarjima qilinadi va narsa buyum, hayvonlarga ishlatamiz. It olmoshini time(vaqt)/day (kun)/distance (masofa)/weather (obi-havo) uchun ham foydalanamiz.

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What time is it? (Soat nechi bo’ldi?)

It is half past ten. (Soat o’n yarim bo’ldi)

What day is it? (bugun qanaqa kun?)

It is Thursday. (Payshanba)

It is three kilometres from our house to the city centre.

(Bizning uyimizdan shahar markazigacha 3 kilometr)

It is raining. (Bu yomg’ir)

It is not raining. (Bu yomg’ir emas)

Is it snowing? (Bu qormi?)

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It isdan so’ng nice(ajoyib), easy(oson) va boshqa fe’llardi ishlatishimiz mumkin.

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(Seni yana ko’rish yoqimli)

Exercises 1. Rasmdagi obi-havo haqida yozing. It’s…. foydalanib.

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2 It’s cold
3 It’s windy.
4 It’s sunny/fine, or It’s a nice day.
5 It’s snowing.
6 It’s cloudy.

Exercises 2. It is (it’s) yoki is it yozing.

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2 It’s/It is
3 Is it
4 is i t … it’s / it is
5 It’s / It is
6 Is it
7 is it
8 It’s / It is
9 It’s / It is

Exercises 3. It yoki there yozing.

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3 It
4 It …It
5 There
6 it
7 It… there
8 It

New words (yangi so’zlar)

1 true to’g’ri 9 impossible bo’lishi mumkin emas
2 helicopter vertolyot 10 beach sohil
3 fly uchmoq 11 warm illiq
4 call chaqirmoq 12 storm bo’ron
5 office ofis 13 strong kuchli
6 hotel mehmonxona 14 nearest eng yaqin
7 far uzoq 15 dangerous havfli
8 believe ishonmoq 16 noise shovqin


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What time is it? (Soat nechi bo’ldi?)

49-dars. It…