48-dars.there was/were, there has/have been, there will be.

48-dars.there was/were, there has/have been, there will be.

48 dars

O’tgan darsimizda there is va there are o’rgangan edik. Bugun sizlar bilan there dan keyin kelayatgan is va are o’zgarib, boshqa zamonlarda ham ishlatilishini o’rganamiz. Ya’ni there dan keyin zamonlarda qo’laydigon was/were/has/have been/will be larni ishlatishimiz mumkin.

image 218
48-dars.there was/were, there has/have been, there will be. 9

There is a train every hour. (Har soatda poezd bor)

The time now is 11:15. (Hozir soat 11:15)

There was a train at 11 o’clock. (soat 11 da poezd bor edi)

image 219
48-dars.there was/were, there has/have been, there will be. 10

There has been an accident. (U yerda bahtsiz hodisa bo’libdi)

image 220
48-dars.there was/were, there has/have been, there will be. 11

There will be rain tomorrow afternoon.

(Ertaga tushdan keyin yomg’ir yog’ishi mumkin)

Exercises 1. Ikkita rasmga qarang. Hozir xona bo’sh, lekin o’tgan haftada xonada nima bor edi? Quti ichidan so’zlarni tanlang va there was… yoki there were… bilan gaplar yozing.

image 221
48-dars.there was/were, there has/have been, there will be. 12

2 There was a carpet
3 There were three pictures
4 There was a small table
5 There were some flowers
6 There were some books
7 There was an armchair
8 There was a sofa

Exercises 2. there was/ there wasn’t/was there yoki there were/ there weren’t/ were there yozing.

image 222
48-dars.there was/were, there has/have been, there will be. 13

3 There was
4 Was there
5 there weren’t
6 There wasn’t
7 Were there
8 There wasn’t
9 There was
10 there weren’t

Exercises 3. there+is/are/was/were/has been/have been/will be yozing.

image 223
48-dars.there was/were, there has/have been, there will be. 14

2 There are
3 There was
4 There’s/There is
5 There’s been/There has been or There was
6 there was
7 there will be
8 there were … there are
9 There have been
10 there will be or there are

New words (yangi so’zlar)

1 wall devor 9 enough yetarlicha
2 window deraza 10 outside tashqariga
3 middle o’rtada 11 wallet hamyon
4 corner burchag 12 robbery o’g’ri
5 opposite qarama-qarshi 13 born tug’ilmoq
6 armchair divan 14 arrive tashrif buyurmoq
7 envelope konvert 15 nice ajoyib
8 empty bo’sh 16 hours soat


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There is a train every hour. (Har soatda poezd bor)

48-dars.there was/were, there has/have been, there will be.