34-dars. Active voice (aniq nisbat)

34-dars. Active voice (aniq nisbat)

34 dars

Aniq nisbat (active voice) maxsus gramatik ko’rsatgichga ega emas. Ma’nosiga ko’ra aniq nisbat ish-harakatning asosan ega tomonidan bajarilganligini ifodalaydi.

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34-dars. Active voice (aniq nisbat) 6

Aniq nisbatda (active voice) – ega ish – harakatni bajaradi.

Misol uchun: Ms. Watson makes delicious sweet potato pies.

(Ms.Watson shirin kartoshkali piroglar tayyorlaydi.)

Bu gapda Ms.Watson ish – harakatni bajaruvchi ega hisoblanadi.

Passive voice (majhul nisbat) va Active voice (aniq nisbat)ni qiyoslaymiz:

Active: We can solve this problem. (Biz bu muammoni hal eta olamiz).

Passive: This problem can be solved. (Bu muammo hal etilishi mumkin).

Active: Someone is cleaning the room right now.

(Ayni paytda xonani kimdir tozlayapti).

Passive: The room is being cleaned right now.

(Ayni paytda xona tozalanyapti).

Exercises 1. Rasmga qarang. Nima sodir bo’lyapti va nima sodir bo’lgan? hozirgi davomli (is/are being) yoki hozirgi tugalangan (has/have been)dan foydalaning.

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34-dars. Active voice (aniq nisbat) 7

3. The window has been broken.
4. The roof is being repaired.
5. The car has been damaged.
6. The houses are being
knocked down.
7. The trees have been cut
8. They have been invited to a

Exercises 2. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Bu mashqni bajarish uchun majhul va aniq nisbatlarni yaxshilab o’rganing.

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34-dars. Active voice (aniq nisbat) 8

3. has been repaired
4. was repaired
5. are made
6. were they built
7. Is the photocopier being used
or Is anybody using the
8. are they called
9. were stolen
10. was damaged … hasn’t been

New words (yangi so’zlar)

1 clean toza 9 repair tuzatish
2 shirt erkaklar ko’ylagi 10 cut kesmoq
3 iron dazmol 11 moment lahza
4 break sinmoq 12 wash yuvmoq
5 roof tom 13 machine moshina (texnika)
6 factory zavod 14 ahead olg’a
7 call chaqirmoq, qo’ng’iroq 15 sunglasses quyosh ko’zoynagi
8 steal o’g’irlamoq 16 beach sohil


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Aniq nisbatda (active voice) – ega ish – harakatni bajaradi.

34-dars. Active voice (aniq nisbat)