11-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar

11-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar

11 sinf prepare

11-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar. Ushbu sahifada ingliz tili fanidan yangi darsliklar (Guess What va Prepare darsliklari) 1 soatlik namunaviy dars ishlanmalar namunalari bilan tanishishingiz mumkin.

Unit 1. Going shopping

  • 11-sinf Overview
  • 11-sinf Shopping
  • 11-sinf Determiners
  • 11-sinf A short text

Unit 2. Best friends forever!

  • 11-sinf What kind of a friend are you?
  • 11-sinf Friendships
  • 11-sinf Talking about yourself
  • 11-sinf Shopping in London
  • 11-sinf Review

Unit 3. Fun and games

  • 11-sinf Sports phrases
  • 11-sinf Famous sportspeople
  • 11-sinf Suggestions and comments

Unit 4. Extreme weather

  • 11-sinf Extreme weather
  • 11-sinf Survival academy
  • 11-sinf Lost in the snow
  • 11-sinf Working as a team
  • 11-sinf Review

Unit 5 You made it!

  • 11-sinf Making things
  • 11-sinf Past simple and continuous
  • 11-sinf A story 1
  • 11-sinf Review

Unit 6 Take care of yourself

  • 11-sinf Health
  • 11-sinf Modals 1
  • 11-sinf Discussing options 1


Unit 7 Sound check

  • 11-sinf Music
  • 11-sinf Present perfect and past simple
  • 11-sinf An email 1

Unit 8 Amazing architechture

Unit 9 Creative writing

Unit 10 Animals in danger

  • 11-sinf Nature and wildlife
  • 11-sinf Conditional sentences
  • 11-sinf Endangered animals
  • 11-sinf Animals as national symbols


Unit 11 Off to school

  • 11-sinf School
  • 11-sinf The past perfect
  • 11-sinf A story 2
  • 11-sinf Review

Unit 12 Getting around

  • 11-sinf Travel
  • 11-sinf Modals 2
  • 11-sinf Announcements
  • 11-sinf Evaluating options
  • 11-sinf Evaluating options
  • 11-sinf Review

Unit 13 #no filter

  • 11-sinf Sopcial media
  • 11-sinf The passive and modal passive
  • 11-sinf An online interview
  • 11-sinf Review

Unit 14  Let’s cook!

  • 11-sinf Cooking
  • 11-sinf Relative clauses
  • 11-sinf Discussing options 2
  • 11-sinf Life online

Unit 15 City or country?

  • 11-sinf The artificial and natural world
  • 11-sinf Articles
  • 11-sinf An email 2
  • 11-sinf Review

Unit 16 Lights, camera, action!

  • 11-sinf Film
  • 11-sinf Reported speech
  • 11-sinf Conversations about film
  • 11-sinf Giving presentations
  • 11-sinf Giving presentations

Unit 17 Getting the message


  • 11-sinf Reported questions
  • 11-sinf Giving opinions
  • 11-sinf Writing an article
  • 11-sinf Review

Unit 18 We love celebs!

  • 11-sinf Personal feelings and qualities
  • 11-sinf Have something done
  • 11-sinf Being famous
  • 11-sinf Fan culture
  • 11-sinf Review

Unit 19 The world of work

  • 11-sinf Work tasks
  • 11-sinf Types of clauses
  • 11-sinf An email 3
  • 11-sinf An email 3

Unit 20 Making plans

  • 11-sinf Hopes and dream
  • 11-sinf Verbs with two objects
  • 11-sinf Achievements
  • 11-sinf Managing stress
  • 11-sinf Managing stress
  • 11-sinf Review
  • 11-sinf Exam 12
  • 11-sinf Project presentations
  • 11-sinf Project presentations

Siz yuqoridagi tayyor mavzular bo’yicha dars ishlanma olishingiz yoki tayyor yo’q mavzularga buyurtma berishingiz mumkin. Tanlagan mavzu bo’yicha shu namunada dars ishlanma tayyorlab beramiz. Telegram orqali @uzteachers_admin adresiga yoki telegramdan +998911800985 raqamiga bog’langing. Bog’lanish faqat telegram orqali! Telefon qilinganda yoki sms yozilganda javob berilmaydi!


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1-CHORAK MAVZULARIUnit 1. Going shopping

11-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar