Repetitsion TEST 8

Repetitsion TEST 8

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6 / 50

6. … bilan uyga qaytishi, sinfdoshlari uning ustidan kulishlarini aytib, o’qituvchilar xonasida janjal ko’tardi. O’quvchining sinf
rahbari yosh bo’lisnhiga qaramay, bu ona bilan xushmuomala bo’ldi va uni tinchlantira oldi. Bu o’qituvchi ayni vaziyatda
qo’llagan og’zaki ta’sir qilishning xushmuomalalik mezonlari to’gri ko’rsatilgan qatorlarni aniqlang:
1.Shirinsuxanlik va insoniylik tuyg’ularini namoyish etish
2.Suhbatning barcha bosqichlarida hissiy osoyishtalikning namoyon bo’lishi

3.O’zaro fikr almashishga doir sifatlar, ko’nikmalar va malakalarning mavjudligi
4.Ta’lim va bilim olishga bo’lgan ishtiyoqini kuchaytirish
5.Mustaqil fikr yuritish, o’z fikrini erkin bayon eta olish, insoniy qadr-qimmat tuyg’usini shakllantirish

18 / 50

18. When the bill came, he had to _______ money from his brother to pay it.

Izoh: The sentence indicates that the person takes money from his brother to pay the bill. Here’s the reasoning for each option:

  1. «Borrow»: Means to take something (in this case, money) from someone else with the intention of returning it later. This fits the context perfectly.
  2. «Lend»: Means to give something (money, in this case) to someone else. Since the person is taking money, not giving it, «lend» is incorrect here.
  3. «Loan»: While it can mean to give money as a loan, this word is typically used for the act of giving, not taking. Thus, it doesn’t fit the sentence.
  4. «Ask»: While the person might «ask» for money before borrowing, the context requires a word that specifically refers to taking the money, so «ask» is not appropriate.

Therefore, «borrow» is the correct and most fitting choice.

27 / 50

27. Scientists who think that children learn aggressive behaviour from TV also emphasize that parents have the power over what their children watch. Because of this, many scientists recommend a number of things that parents can do. Reduce the number of hours of TV that your children watch, watch at least one episode of the shows your children watch, and when they see a violent act on the show that their children are watching, discuss it with your child and tell them that this kind of behaviour is not good and not the way to solve problems.

According to the author, parents are proficient enough …….

Izoh: The passage emphasizes the role of parents in guiding their children’s viewing habits. Scientists suggest that parents have significant control over the content their children consume, implying that they can actively decide what is appropriate for their children. By choosing shows that align with their values and discussing the content, especially when it involves violence, parents can positively influence their children’s understanding of aggressive behaviors. The other options, while related to television and its content, do not encapsulate the main idea presented in the passage about parental influence and instruction regarding viewing choices.

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36. All the migrating seabirds like guillemots, puffins, and razorbills are at risk from oil pollution. During migration, they look for calm water where they rest and fish. Oil covered seas look calm to birds, and they land on the water by thousands, only to be trapped in the oil and die of starvation. The birds which don’t become trapped usually die as well from trying to remove the oil from their feathers, the birds ingest the oil and that usually kills them in a few days. The oil which washes to shore on the beaches where seals and sea lion breed harm these animals as well, any animals that get caught in the oil usually die.

Oil spills not only kill sea birds …….

Izoh: This sentence is completed based on the information provided in the passage, which states that oil spills harm not only migrating seabirds like guillemots, puffins, and razorbills, but also seals and sea lions that breed on beaches where oil washes ashore. The oil can trap and kill these animals, either directly or through ingestion of the oil as they try to clean themselves, leading to starvation or poisoning.

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41. All the migrating seabirds like guillemots, puffins, and razorbills are at risk from oil pollution. During migration, they look for calm water where they rest and fish. Oil covered seas look calm to birds, and they land on the water by thousands, only to be trapped in the oil and die of starvation. The birds which don’t become trapped usually die as well from trying to remove the oil from their feathers, the birds ingest the oil and that usually kills them in a few days. The oil which washes to shore on the beaches where seals and sea lion breed harm these animals as well, any animals that get caught in the oil usually die.

When birds land on oil-covered seas, ……

Izoh: This is because, as explained in the passage, when birds land on oil-covered seas, they can become trapped in the oil and die of starvation. Additionally, even if they are not trapped, they will often try to remove the oil from their feathers, which can lead to them ingesting the oil and dying from poisoning. This usually occurs within a few days. Therefore, landing on oil-covered seas is almost always fatal for the birds, either due to starvation or oil poisoning.

46 / 50

46. Aristotle is thought to be one of the greatest historians. Aristotle based his ethics on human nature. Aristotle got most of his work from one of the greatest Catholic philosophers, Thomas Aquinas. Aristotle claims that everyone’s goal is happiness. He declared that there is only one way to achieve true happiness and that is by living a virtuous life. He said that if one is not living a virtuous life, then they are not truly happy. Being happy is one of the biggest goals in life. Some people have tons of money and live very extravagantly, but they may hate what they do. That is because many people choose not to become businessmen or lawyers, some become policemen or priests. If people did what makes them happy, they wouldn’t be so stressed out and there wouldn’t be as many suicides.

It is clear from the paragraph that …….

Izoh: The paragraph discusses Aristotle’s view on happiness, virtue, and the nature of human life. It highlights the idea that true happiness is achieved through living a virtuous life, suggesting a similarity in the fundamental human pursuit of happiness regardless of one’s profession or lifestyle choices. Aristotle’s focus on virtue as a means to attain happiness points to a universal aspect of human experience, emphasizing that individuals, regardless of their paths, should recognize the importance of living in accordance with their nature to experience true fulfillment. The mention of different professions and the contrast between material wealth and personal satisfaction further illustrates that regardless of individual circumstances, the commonality lies in the pursuit of virtue for true happiness. Therefore, the statement about Aristotle focusing on similarities resonates well with the content of the paragraph.

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50. She lost the company a lot of money last week and as a result has got a ……. mark against her name.

Izoh: In this context, «black mark» is an idiomatic expression used to describe a negative record or reputation that someone has earned due to their actions. When someone makes a significant mistake or behaves poorly, it can leave a «black mark» against their name, indicating that they have done something wrong that may affect their standing or future opportunities. This phrase is commonly used in business and general contexts to convey the idea of a blemish on one’s record.

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Repetitsion TEST 8