O’z joniga qasd qilish guruhida qochoq hujayra soyali namunasini qanday olish mumkin haqida malumot

oz joniga qasd qilish guruhida qochoq hujayra soyali namunasini qanday olish mumkin haqida malumot 65ccef7847b6e

O’z joniga qasd qilish guruhida qochoq hujayra soyali namunasini qanday olish mumkin haqida malumot

What’s more iconic about a superhero than their costume? Sure, the member of O’z joniga qasd Squad aren’t exactly “heroes” but they do still have some sweet outfits to unlock and wear as you fight across Metropolis in O’z joniga qasd qilish guruhi: Adolat ligasini o’ldiring. Most skins you will unlock as you play naturally, but there are also Swatches that you can layer overtop to give that skin an even more distinct look. The Cell Shaded Fugitive skin will give each of your characters a more comic book-like aesthetic that looks great in action. These are free to everyone playing the game, but hidden so deep in the system that you probably would never notice them without some help.
Harley quinn in a cell shaded outfit.
WB o’yinlari

How to get the Fugitive Cell Shaded Swatch

You can get the free Fugitive Cell Shaded Swatch almost immediately after starting O’z joniga qasd Squad, as soon as you can access the game’s menu.

1 qadam: Pause the game and go to the Options menyu.

2 qadam: Ga boring Online section and go to the bottom and select WB Games Account.

3 qadam: Use your smartphone to scan the QR code that appears on your screen.

4 qadam: This code will bring you to the WB Games website. Either log in to your existing account or create a new one now.

5 qadam: Verify your account to be sent a code to your associated email.

6 qadam: Retrieve the code and insert it at WB Games.

7 qadam: The Fugitive Cell Shaded Swatch will now be available to equip in the U ko’rinadi section of your menu.

Games, Texnologiyalar
O’z joniga qasd qilish guruhida qochoq hujayra soyali namunasini qanday olish mumkin