Microsoft jimgina tuzatadi Windows 11 Ish stoli piktogrammalarining harakatlanishiga sabab boʻlgan kopilot xatosi haqida malumot

While there has been much excitement and interest in Copilot, Microsoft’s AI-powered assistant has not been without problems. For some time now, for instance, there has been an issue with desktop icons moving around on systems with multiple monitors.
Now, three months since first acknowledging the problem, Microsoft has announced that the issue has been resolved. Interestingly, the fix was applied without the need for an update to be issued.
It was back in November that Microsoft advised people with two or more monitors about the issue of desktop icons jumping from one screen to another. At the time the company said: “Windows Birdan ortiq (1) monitordan foydalanadigan qurilmalarda ish stoli piktogrammalarining monitorlar o‘rtasida kutilmaganda siljishi yoki boshqa piktogrammalarni hizalash bilan bog‘liq muammolar paydo bo‘lishi mumkin. Windows (in preview)”.
While investigating the cause of the problem, Microsoft slapped a compatibility hold on the offending update. No details of what the company discovered in the course of its investigations have been revealed, but the issue has now been resolved.
The entry for the problem on the Windows release health page has been yangilangan with the following information about the fix:
qarori: This issue was resolved on the service-side for Windows 11, version 23H2 and Windows 11, version 22H2 on devices with updates released January 9, 2024 or later. Non-managed consumer Windows devices with no other compatibility hold should now have Copilot for Windows available. The safeguard hold has been removed as of February 7, 2024. Eligible Windows 10 va Windows 11 devices with no other safeguards should now be able to upgrade to Windows 11, version 23H2. Please note, it can take up to 48 hours before the update to Windows 11, version 23H2 is offered. Restarting your device might help it offer faster.
Microsoft adds the note: “Managed devices in your environment that have been used or are currently being used in a multimonitor configuration will not yet have Copilot for Windows available”.
Texnologiyalar, Windows 11
Microsoft jimgina tuzatadi Windows 11 Ish stoli piktogrammalarining harakatlanishiga sabab boʻlgan kopilot xatosi