Kiyim-kechak va oyoq kiyim savdosi – turkiya brend

Kiyim-kechak va oyoq kiyim savdosi – turkiya brend

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17 Famous Turkish Fashion Brands That You Can Shop Online

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Turkey’s fashion and textile industry is one of the leading drives of the Turkish economy. There are around 77 thousand textile companies in Turkey.

Some of these work as contractors, and they do not have their brands. Yet, more and more of these companies are starting to produce high-quality fashion brands.

This trend is transforming the Turkish textile industry. Two decades ago, most Turkish companies were working as manufacturing agents of international fashion companies.

Now, Turkey is exporting their fashion products with Made in Turkey brands.

In this article, I listed the most well-known Turkish fashion and their online shops.

One more thing, before I start my reviews. The biggest problem for foreigners in Turkey when shopping is the language barrier. Yet, Google’s “Translate Tool” may help you translate websites with a few clicks. If you wish to know more, please read my article “3 Ways to Use Google Translate in a Foreign Country”

In any case, I detailed each website’s English language support level.

From Vakko’s Instagram


Known for excellent quality, luxury clothing, and silk garments

English Support: Their website fully supports the English language.

What started as a small hat shop in 1934, grew to be one of the biggest brands in the Turkish Textile Industry.

Vakko is one of the leading fashion powerhouses that continue to lead the Turkish fashion world.

Vakko has diverse collections of both men’s and women’s luxury apparel.

If you want something elegant and top quality, you should check their online shop.

If you want a shopping mall experience and see all the brands together on one website, you should definitely check my “Most Popular 9 Clothes Shopping Websites in Turkey.

From Roman’s Instagram


Known for top quality, casual style luxury clothing for women

English Support: You should use Google translate to use this website.

Roman is one of the leading luxury clothing brands.

Roman only has designs for women with products ranging from daily clothes to evening dresses. They have a good selection of accessories as well.

Roman has 58 retail stores in Turkey and 17 stores in other countries. It is known some of the brand’s designs are worn by Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez.

If you wish to check their online shop, please click here.

From Mavi’s Instagram


Known for trendy jeans, quality casual wear, and lifestyle apparel

English Support: Their website fully supports the English language.

Mavi is one of the most well-known clothing brands in Turkey and definitely is also one of my favorites. T

Mavi excels at jeans, and the company aims to be the most reputable jeans brand around the globe.

Mavi has 440 retail stores and 5.500 retail sale spots in Turkey, the USA, Canada, Germany, Russia, Australia, and 29 other countries. In 2019, Mavi sold 9.7 million pairs of jeans.

The brand’s designs revolve around The Perfect Fit philosophy. Mavi brand designs jeans that perfectly fit its customers’ lifestyles, body types, and quality expectations.

If you wish to check their online shop, please click here, or Mavi’s Amazon store, please click here.

From Ipekyol’s Instagram


Known for clothing and accessories for urban women

English Support: You should use Google translate to use this website.

Ipekyol positioned its brand around successful urban women.

Although Ipekyol has liberal designs, the brand is also successful in conservative countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait. Ipekyol has 242 retail stores in Turkey and 48 fashion stores in 10 countries.

Ipekyol is one of the Ayaydın-Miroglio Group’s brands. The others are Twist and Machka.

If you wish to check their online shop, please click here.

You can also read 23 Turkish Women’s Fashion Brands That Fit Every Lifestyle to check more fashion brands for women.

From Twist’s Instagram


Known for casual clothes for younger women

English Support: You should use Google translate to use this website

Twist is a brand for the young women generation. Their style is in line with the current world trend.

The Twist brand is different from his sister brand Ipekyol. While Ipekyol has a classical style, Twist targets a younger audience.

For this reason, Twist’s designs are more radical and energetic.

If you wish to check their collection, here is the link to their online store.

Besides modern style clothes, you can also buy traditional and hijab clothing in Turkey. Click to read my guide 13 Turkish Hijab Brands That You Can Shop Online

From Mackha’s Instagram


Known for designer clothes and dresses

English Support: You should use Google translate to use this website

World famous fashion designers Ece-Ayşe Ege and Dice Kayek created this brand. This brand is for confident yet feminine women.

Machka creates simple yet very sophisticated designer clothes. The main materials used by Machka are silk, cashmere, wool, and cotton.

Here is the link to their online store.

From Koton’s Instagram


Known for good quality casual wear and reasonable prices.

English Support: Their website fully supports the English language. Yet, the images that contain Turkish words are not translated.

Koton has one of the biggest retail chains in Turkey. Koton produces stylish clothes for all members of the family.

This brand is my favorite because most of their textiles are made with cotton, and it can be hard to find pure cotton clothes.

Koton has 275 retail stores in Turkey and 159 stores in 28 different countries. Their prices are reasonably low, but their quality is nice.

Koton’s online store is visited by 20 million people each year. If you wish to check their collection, please click here to check Koton’s online store.

From Defacto’s Instagram


Known for budget and stylish clothes for the working class.

English Support: Their website supports the English language, but when you change the language, prices and the location change. I would advise using the Turkish version with the Google translate tool.

De facto is a Turkish textile giant with 500 retail stores in 30 countries. The brand specializes in trendy designs, apparel, and accessories for everyone, including children.

De Facto aims to provide the best possible quality at affordable prices. For this reason, it is popular among the working class and lower-income groups.

Here is the link to their online store.

Want to know what Turkish women wear? Click to read What do Women Wear in Turkey? A Turkish Answers.

From Network’s Instagram


Known for elegant business clothing, shoes, and bags

English Support: You should use Google translate to use this website.

Network is a high-quality brand for business people. This brand has collections for both men and women. However, Network has a wider range of products for businesswomen.

Network also created Divarese, which is also a well-known shoe brand. They excel in many categories, as well as shoes and bags.

If you wish to check their online shop, please click here.

From LcWaikiki’s Instagram


Known for budget clothes for everyone.

English Support: Their website supports the English language, but when you change the language, prices and the location change. I would advise using the Turkish version with the Google translate tool.

Turkish Tema Textile Holding bought this French company in 1997. The brand is growing rapidly, and the company aims to be one of Europe’s top three clothing brands by 2023.

As of 2020, Lc Waikiki sells its brands in 47 countries with more than 1000 retail stores and has reached a gross revenue of 3 billion USD.

The Lc Waikiki’s philosophy is that everyone has the right to wear good clothes.

Lc Waikiki produces budget clothes for everyone, and it is a very popular brand.

If you wish to check their online shop, please click here.

From Sarar’s Instagram


Known for high-quality clothing for business people and home textile

English Support: You should use Google translate to use this website.

Sarar is known to be one of the most expensive luxury clothing brands in Turkey. Lately, the fashion house has started to produce high-quality home textiles and decors as well.

Sarar has many collections, their names are Sarar, Sarar Kadın, Interview Sarar, CCS, Sarar Esarp, Sarev ve Sartoria Sarar.

Sarar is one of the top textile manufacturers in Turkey and the brand produces with 5 textile factories and over 5000 workers.

Even though Sarar is known as luxury fashion, it has managed to be popular among all segments of Turkish society. Sarar has more than 180 retail stores and 800 retail sale spots in Turkey

Sarar also has 85 retail stores outside of Turkey, mostly in Europe and the USA.

If you wish to check their online shop, please click here.

From Damat’s Instagram

Damat Tween

Known for high-quality suits and accessories for men

English Support: You should use Google translate to use this website.

It was one of my favorite brands in my early years of professional life. Damat Tween only specializes in men’s clothing and is one of the most popular brands in Turkey.

They structure themselves as for all budgets. They have excellent top-tier clothing and accessories, as well as budget clothing.

Their famous customers include Micheal Jackson, Brad Pitt, and Portuguese football manager Jose Mourinho.

If you wish to check their online shop, please click here.

From Derimod’s Instagram


Known For leather boots, bags, shoes, and other leather products.

English Language Support: This website supports the English language.

Turkey is one of the leading producers of leather fashion in the world. The growing tourism from cold countries also contributed to this.

For this reason, there are many leather fashion shops near tourist attractions. Yet, if you want real quality, you should check Derimod.

Derimod is one of the leading brands and retail chains in the leather fashion category. They offer top-quality products and shoes.

Derimod is the most well-known leather products brand in Turkey, and with 110 retail stores in Turkey, you can find them in every major Turkish city.

You can check their online shop by clicking this link.

From Desa’s Instagram


Known For leather clothing, shoes, and elegant designs

English Language Support: You should use google translate to operate this website.

Desa is a Turkish brand mainly known for leather clothing and shoes. Desa also has a wide range of home textiles as well as all types of clothing.

Desa is one of my favorite brands, and its quality is premium.

It is well known that Desa excels in leather apparel like Derimod. In Desa’s collections, you can also find other types of quality clothing, like cotton shirts.

Desa has more than 100 retail stores in Turkey and 2 stores in London.

If you wish to check their online shop, please click here.

Read my article 12 Reliable Online Shoes Shopping Websites in Turkey to learn about how to buy shoes online in Turkey.

From Beymen’s Instagram


Known For shoes and accessories

English Language Support: You should use google translate to operate this website.

Beymen was first a men’s wear brand when it was established in 1971. Beymen is Turkey’s first luxury retailer and continues to be the market leader in this category today.

Besides their Beymen brand products, Beymen also has exclusive rights to sell most of the world-famous fashion brands in Turkey.

The brands sold by Beymen are Dior, Saint Laurent, Valentino, Celine, Stella McCartney, Dolce & Gabbana, Etro, Balenciaga, Dsquared2, Bottega Veneta, and Chloé.

In recent decades, Beymen has taken more ambitious steps to increase its reach and started creating home products, women’s wear, cosmetics, and accessories.

If you wish to check their online shop, please click here.

Check my shopping guides on Accessories and Watches to compliment your outfit.

From Kigili’s Instagram


Known For Men’s fashion

English Language Support: You should use google translate to operate this website.

Kigili is a men’s clothing brand with casual and professional designs. The brand has a wide range of clothing designs as well as accessories for men.

The fashion house aims to satisfy modern men’s all fashion needs.

Kigili produces 6.500.000 items every year and has 225 retail stores in Turkey as well as 101 retail spots in 21 countries.

If you wish to check their online shop, please click here.

  • 23 Turkish Women’s Fashion Brands That Fit Every Lifestyle
  • 14 Best Turkish Men’s Clothing Brands That You Should Not Miss
  • 17 Famous Turkish Fashion Brands That You Can Shop Online
  • Most Popular 9 Clothes Shopping Websites in Turkey
  • 7 Best Turkish Shopping Websites to Buy Watches
  • 10 Fantastic Turkish Accessories Online Shopping Websites
  • 12 Reliable Online Shoes Shopping Websites in Turkey
  • 16 Famous Turkish Fashion Designers (with Pictures)
  • Fashion in Istanbul – Places to Shop, Brands, Designers, and more
  • 13 Turkish Hijab Brands That You Can Shop Online
  • 23 Famous International Fashion Brands in Turkey
  • What do Women Wear in Turkey? A Turkish Answers

Kiyim-kechak va oyoq kiyim savdosi – turkiya brend

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Best Turkish Brands:
Fashion & Clothes

Top 32 Turkish Clothing Brands in the World

The best Turkish brands, fashion and clothing that suits every age group are Herry, Gizia, Mavi, Derimod, Oxxo, Koton, AVVA, Desa, Inci, LC Waikiki and AdL.

Best Turkish brands such as LTB, Hatemoglu, KAYRA, Vakko, Bigg Shop, Sarar, Bueno Shoes, Lidyana, Karya, Faik Sonmez, KAFT, Sail Laker’s, Kikyrnik, Ipekyol are popular as well.

Turkey is a great country that is a bridge between Western Asia and Eastern Europe. It is situated in one of the most precious lands in the world known as Anatolia. Since the beginning of human history, Anatolia was home to many cultures and civilizations such as ancient Greece, Persian, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires.

All these civilizations and cultures have made contributions to the Anatolian tradition in many ways. In particular, the fashion style of Anatolia fully represents its cultural variety.

Besides, the contemporary and vibrant lifestyle of Istanbul has molded the best Turkish brands of Anatolia as the last touch.

Herry – Stylish Women’s Clothing Brand with High-quality

One of the best Turkish brands is Herry. Herry brand’s story started with the opening of a women’s clothing boutique in Istanbul in 1992. Since then, Henry, Turkey’s premier maintains his journey as one of the best women’s clothing brands. With its creative and innovative modern designs, Herry was the first option of domestic and abroad fashionable women who gave importance to fashion and appreciated fashion.

Gizia – Best Turkish Brands Online Shopping Store

Gizia is an internationally famous brand for its incredibly high fashion design that was born and realized in Istanbul. Each product and component of Gizia collections has been separately and specially designed by designers inspired by the whole world.

Hatemoglu – The Indispensable Preferences of Stylish & Charismatic Men

Hatemoglu, Turkey’s first apparel manufacturer began in 1924 and has contributed a lot to the modernization process with its classic style. Aiming to middle-aged and old men with suits, shirts, ties, coats, sports coats, raincoats, accessories, casual clothes and classic clothes, Hatemoglu as the best Turkish brands stand out in a selective style that focuses on every detail.

KAYRA – Appropriate Brand of Quality

KAYRA is a great brand that has been serving in different sectors since 1982. This luxury brand launched working in the field of clothing production in 1992. KAYRA is one of Turkey’s prominent companies in the garment sector. With a yearly manufacturing capacity of 500,000, this luxury brand meets thousands of customers worldwide.

Dogo Store – The Perfect Turkish Brand with Innovative Designs

Dogo Store is the best Turkish brand launched in 2006 in Izmir province of Istanbul. Dogo is a Turkish company that managed to print inventive designs on shoes for the first time all over the world. Throughout the years, this wonderful brand has achieved a tremendous archive of more than 5,000 original models designed for shoes, bags, clothing and house decoration products.

Bigg Shop – Brand Consisting of Art and Design Components

Bigg brand is one of the special and best Turkish brands founded with the power and experience of the Biggplus family. Big design works offer quality products that reverberate the genuine styles of modern Turkish designers and artists. The collections presented by the grand brand of Biggdesign comprise art, design and quality constituents.

Shopi go – Contemporary Designers’ Latest Season Collections of World-famous Brands

Shopi go continues a powerful relationship by contacting its designers, manufacturers and official retailers by having a special meeting with each of them through direct communication. Therefore the Shopi goes always providing customers with rare and high-quality products.

Bueno Shoes – Women’s Shoe Industry Known for its Genuine Leather Products

The roots of Bueno Shoes best Turkish brands have a history dating back to the 1950s. It has been able to create its own style by making handmade, comfortable, quality, grace in the brand and women’s shoe industry produced with genuine leather. This luxury brand showed its success in Europe and Asia by exporting its products to thirty-five countries in Madrid America’s protocol. It is also a registered brand that is 100 percent Turkish property.

Aker – The Pioneer of Women’s Clothing Turkish Brands

Aker is a brand that combines the most modern fashion of the world and traditional patterns in their design studios and fashion scarf designs each season in Turkey with more than 1,000 designs and colorful scarves. As one of the major and modern factories in the world, the Aker production facility maintains its silk quality at the greatest level with its mode-r technology-manufacturing systems.

Mavi – A Wonderful Brand that Adopted Jean as a Philosophy of Life

Mavi is a brand of jeans and jean garment brand based in Istanbul in 1991. This luxury brand produces jeans for both women and men, with the target audience of the younger age group. Most of the celebrities and artists have the pleasure of wearing jeans of this luxury brand includes Kate Winslet and Chelsea Clinton. Also, Barbara Palvin signed a contract with Mavi to occur in a marketing campaign that recorded several commercials.

Lidyana – Best Turkish Brands Designed by Most Talented Designers

The world-famous fashion brands and the most skilled designers in Turkey are gathered by the Lidyana brand under the same destination. At you can find all the products you are looking for to enjoy your daily style or complete your most luxurious evening look.

Faik Sonmez – More Elegant and Cozy WOMEN Clothing Brand

Faik Sonmez Turkish brand pro boundless choice for female audiences with more than 700 new collections every season. It allows women to be more elegant and cozy in special moments with evening dresses, appealing to businesspersons with formal combinations, offers comfortable stylish options for daily comfort.

LTB – Clothing Brand Concentrated on Sport Fashion

LTB by Little big is a jeans brand established in Istanbul in 1994. LTB brands in Turkey is one of the largest jean company and annually produce 17 million pieces of clothing.

KAFT – Different and Creative Products

KAFT is a design based on two values: inventiveness and care. It meets the needs of people who are after beauty to art lovers whose choices are not shaped by famous culture.

Sail Laker’s – Most Stylish Shoes Turkish Brand for Men &Women

This is one of the best Turkish brands founded in 1958, Sail Laker has more than half a century of manufacturing experiment. Sail Laker produces many famous brands in addition to the shoes it produces. Its target is to deliver its quality to its precious customers anytime and anywhere.

Kikyrnik – Admiral Fashion Store for Women

With its original designs and modern products that reflect fashion, Kikyrnik always supplies the expectations of its customers. This luxurious brand has a special concept is based on the relationship between product, quality and the image of a compatible and united brand from its unique designs.

Derimod – Turkish Brand Jacket, Shoe and Bags Products Designed with Leather

Derimod, a magnificent brand founded in 1974 to combine leather and fashion. This modern brand has become the leading figure of a modern new lifestyle and grace with the elegance of leather in fashion patterns. Derimod the first to combine leather and fashion in Turkey, after 43 years as one of the industry’s leading organizations.

Roman Brand – Inspired by the strength, confident and true spirit of women

Roma, which is producing high-quality clothing and accessories products for the female group is one of the leading brands in Turkey.

Penti – Most Well-known Turkish Brand

The story of the Penti brand started in 1950 as two distinct companies, and this company later merged under a single brand. Within years, Penti continued its development in the manufacture and retail activities, widening its range of footwear, home wear and sportswear, underwear and beachwear lines and shoes, targeting audiences such as women and girls.

AdL – Innovative Women’s Turkish Clothing Brands

Strong and stylish adL designs that follow fashion closely, dynamic and vivid country style, besides, an adL line, Night Zoom collection always night elegance, well-known collaborations, such as Cengiz Abazoglu, Mert Aslan, always combined with the principle of seeking perfection with a wide product range, is just a few of the significant ingredients that diversify the brand in the industry.

LC Waikiki – Popular Turkish Brand that Attracts Everyone with its Reasonable Prices

The journey of the LC Waikiki brand began in France in 1988 and continued as one of the best Turkish brands after 1997. In the recent time, LC Waikiki is serving in 848 stores in 38 countries, and with the company’s philosophy of “Everyone has the right to dress well,” it provides people to enjoy accessible fashion with quality products at reasonable and appropriate prices.

Hotic – Shoes & Accessories with Original & Elegant Designs for Men & Women

Hotic Brand was founded in 1938 by Salih Hotiç, Hotiç is a shoe and accessory brand that produces a unique and gracious design appropriate for the lifestyle of modern men and women. Real leather and natural materials are used for products concerted to lifestyles that extend fashion and trends from today to tomorrow.

Ipekyol – Best Turkish Brands

The first store of İpekyol brand, established in 1986, was started its services in 1989 in Nisantasi Rumeli Street, Istanbul. Many fashion lovers, businesswomen and especially prefer İpekyol. İpekyol sells its products in 7 countries such as Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Cyprus, Northern Iraq, Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia.

Vakko – A Magnificent Brand Combining Luxury, Quality and Fashion

Vakko is one of Turkey’s prominent fashion companies. It manufactures and sells textiles, leather goods and accessories for both women and men. Vakko is one of the most significant and best Turkish brands connected to luxury.

Sarar – Offers High-Quality and Unique Products

Sarar is one of the most popular brands in the world’s leading fashion trends in the premium portion. Sarar’s head office is occurring in the Bomonti region of Istanbul, with top quality sewing and material designs. The highest level of quality craftsmanship and products is largely recognized by the world’s leading brand names. You can find these luxury brands in malls in Istanbul.

Koton – Rich Collection with Products Suitable for Every Taste

A perfect brand with its inventive, innovative, customer and technology-oriented treatment, Koton interiorizes the policy of combining seasonal products with original designs and providing them at perfect locations and affordable prices

Kigili Famous as One of the Best Turkish Brands

Kigili is a contemporary men’s garment brand that is preferred by Turkey’s professionals and successful men. They maintain to be unique for the city’s professionals with their creative visions and first-class collections that challenge the years.

Desa – A Brand that Offers Fashion From Head to Toe

The Desa, the best Turkish brand company was established in the early 70s by chemistry student Melih Celet to manufacture leather products and a domestic market for export through Desa’s own retail stores. A great office was opened in New York City in 1986 and at the present Desa exports leather garments and accessories in the USA and Europe.

Inci – A Brand Specialized in Shoes & Bags for Women and Men

Inci is one of the important Turkish brands in Turkey that specializes in shoes and bags for women and men. It has a wide selection between sports and dress shoes in various designs and colors. You will catch the latest trend with Inci products, which will provide a comfortable use with the usual real leather quality while adding a modern atmosphere to the clothes you combine.

Inci is suitable for various occasions, work and various social activities. Inci is a well-known retailing group company as best Turkish brands and as a shoe manufacturer with its modern factory.

Oxxo – Turkish Clothing & Accessories Brand

Oxxo is one of the most famous Turkish brands that started in 1993 at a Galleria shopping mall. This brand produces and sells high-quality and relatively economical women’s clothing and accessories. Most products are made of natural and durable fabrics. In addition to originality, they attach great importance to quality.

AVVA – A Turkish Brand Well-known in the World Fashion

While AVVA continues to be appreciated as a best Turkish brand in the world fashion, with its unique design and quality, it become as one of the most important brands in the textile sector in Turkey as well.


Colin’s is a great Turkish clothing brand established in 1983 by Eroglu Holding. It offers a wide range of products such as daily outfits, fashion and accessories for both men and women.

It is part of Eroglu Holding, a domestic company serving in the textile, real estate Turkey and retail sectors. Colin’s as one of the best Turkish brands serves in 38 countries with more than 600 retail stores.

Is Zara made in Turkey?

Zara is not a Turkish brand, but you can find this brand besides other best Turkish brands in almost all Shopping Malls of Turkey. The wonderful Zara brand is a Spanish-based clothing and accessories brand. This luxury brand is watching how fashion has changed day by day. Zara Brand designing new designs outfits and puts them on the showcase within each week or two.

Is made in Turkey good quality? – Turkish Clothing brands Offering High Quality

Yes in general. The tailoring quality of Turkish clothing brands is very high, even for cheap garments. In comparison to most “Europe” clothing brands, its quality is high. That’s why Europ clothing brands such as Zegna or other brands, make most of their production in Turkey. Moreover, the fabric quality of Turkey productions is excellent.

Where Can I Buy Turkey Clothes Online?

Most Update Best Online Shopping Websites offering Turkish clothing brands sales in 2021 are: – Turkish retail online clothing stores
Hepsiburada – Dropship and Wholesale – Dropship and Wholesale and offers worldwide shipping.
Breshka – Wholesale and offers worldwide shipping.
DDFS – Wholesale also has a worldwide shipping service.
Clogs Clothing Supplier – Dropship and Wholesale and offers worldwide shipping.
Fimka Store – Wholesale and offers worldwide shipping.
Culp Fashion – Wholesale
Turkopt – Wholesale and offers worldwide shipping.
Whocit – Wholesale also has a worldwide shipping service.
Wow- Wholesale and offers worldwide shipping.

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Kiyim-kechak va oyoq kiyim savdosi – turkiya brend