Android 15 buvingizning telefonidan foydalanishini osonlashtirishga tayyorlanmoqda haqida malumot

Android 15 buvingizning telefonidan foydalanishini osonlashtirishga tayyorlanmoqda haqida malumot

Android 14 QPR3 Beta 1 easy preset hero 1

Google just released the first beta of Android 14 QPR3, which will be the third quarterly platform release of Android 14 when it goes stable in June. After installing the beta on my Pixel phone, I discovered a hidden settings page for a new feature called “easy pre-set.” This mode, based on what I found, seems to be a way to make Android easier to use for people who aren’t as tech-savvy as readers of Android boshqaruvi or who may have trouble with their vision.

An APK buzilishi bajarilayotgan ish kodi asosida kelajakda xizmatga kelishi mumkin bo’lgan xususiyatlarni bashorat qilishga yordam beradi. Biroq, bunday bashorat qilingan xususiyatlar ommaviy relizga chiqmasligi mumkin.

Hidden within Android 14 QPR3 Beta 1 are strings that explain what this new easy pre-set mode will do. According to these strings, the easy pre-set mode optimizes the Android UI for “improved readability and ease of navigation.” It specifically does so by “enlarging icons and text, adding contrast and bold, and adding navigation buttons to the bottom of the screen.”


Quick access  Easy pre-set optimizes for improved readability and ease of navigation  Easy pre-set improves readability by enlarging icons and text, adding contrast and bold, and adding navigation buttons to the bottom of the screen.  Enable easy pre-set  Easy pre-set

While we were able to manually launch the settings page for this new easy pre-set feature, we weren’t able to actually enable the new mode just yet. However, we did discover an additional change this mode makes when it’s enabled: the current wallpaper is swapped with a pure black image.

Android 14 QPR3 Beta 1 easy preset

Mishaal Rahman / Android Authority

It’s good to see Google add a feature like this to stock Android. Many other OEMs offer a feature just like this, and there are even third-party launcher apps on Google Play that are designed to be used by the elderly or the less tech-savvy among us.

Although this feature is present in the Android 14 QPR3 Beta 1 release, it’s unlikely that Google plans to release this feature with the stable Android 14 QPR3 update in June. It’s more likely that Google will release this feature as part of Android 15 later this year, and this feature’s appearance in the QPR3 beta is simply because Google is simultaneously working on the QPR and Android 15 releases.

Once Google kicks off the Android 15 developer preview, we’ll have a better idea of where this feature slots in. That could happen at any moment, so be sure to follow Android boshqaruvi to find out what’s coming in the next Android release!

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Android 15 buvingizning telefonidan foydalanishini osonlashtirishga tayyorlanmoqda