33-dars. is done, was done (passive voice 1)

Ingliz tilida fe’llarning 2 hil nisbati mavjud: passive voice (majhul nisbat) va active voice (aniq nisbat).
Majhul nisbat (passive voice)da tuzilgan gaplarda ish-haraktni bajaruvchi egasi yoki shaxs bo’lmaydi. Bu nisbatda gaplardi to be fe’lini zamondagi shakllari va o’tgan zamon sifatdoshi yordamida yasaymiz. Misol uchun:

Excesises 1. Bu so’zlardan gaplar yozing. Gaplarning ba’zilari savollar.

3. Glass is made from sand.
4. The windows are cleaned
every two weeks.
5. This room isn’t used very
6. Are we allowed to park here?
7. How is this word
9. The house was painted last
10. My phone was stolen a few
days ago.
11. Three people were injured in
the accident.
12. When was this bridge built?
13. I wasn’t woken up by the
14. How were these windows
15. Were you invited to Jon’s
party last week?
Excesises 2. Bu hammasi ham to’g’ri emas. Ularni to’g’tirlang.

2. Football is played in most…
3. Why was the letter sent
to … ?
4. … where films are made.
5. Where were you born?
6. How many languages are
spoken … ?
7. … but nothing was stolen.
8. When was the bicycle
Excesises 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Ushbu fe’llarning majhul nisbatda (hozirgi va o’tgan) so’zalaridan foydalaning.

3. is made
4. were damaged
5. was given
6. are shown
7. were invited
8. was made
9. was stolen … was found
New words ( yangi so’zlar)
1 | glass | shisha | 9 | noise | shovqin |
2 | make | yasamoq | 10 | invite | taklif qilmoq |
3 | allow | ruhsat etmoq | 11 | stolen | o’g’irlangan |
4 | pronounce | tallafuz qilmoq | 12 | invent | kashf etmoq |
5 | bridge | ko’prik | 13 | damage | zarar, zarar yetkazish |
Ko’rildi: 1 750
Majhul nisbat (passive voice)da tuzilgan gaplarda ish-haraktni bajaruvchi egasi yoki shaxs bo’lmaydi. Bu nisbatda gaplardi to be fe’lini zamondagi shakllari va o’tgan zamon sifatdoshi yordamida yasaymiz. Misol uchun:
33-dars. is done, was done (passive voice 1)