2-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar

2-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar. Ushbu sahifada ingliz tili fanidan yangi darsliklar (Guess What va Prepare darsliklari) 1 soatlik namunaviy dars ishlanmalar namunalari bilan tanishishingiz mumkin.
Unit 0. Hello again
Unit 1. Transportation
Unit 2. Pets
Unit 3 Clothes
Unit 4. Room
- 2-sinf Rooms
- 2-sinf Rooms 2
- 2-sinf there’s / there are
- 2-sinf How many
- 2-sinf Be tidy
- 2-sinf Pronunciation: m and n
- 2-sinf Review U3-4
Unit 5. Meals
- 2-sinf Food
- 2-sinf Meals
- 2-sinf likes / doesn’t like
- 2-sinf Does she/he like?
- 2-sinf Eat healthy food
- 2-sinf Pronunciation: s and z
Unit 6 Activities
- 2-sinf Activities
- 2-sinf I can …
- 2-sinf I like (swim)ing.
- 2-sinf Does she / he like?
- 2-sinf Play nicely
- 2-sinf Pronunciation: c and k
- 2-sinf Review U5-6
Unit 7 In town
- 2-sinf Places in town
- 2-sinf Places in town 2
- 2-sinf Where?
- 2-sinf Is there a …?
- 2-sinf Be safe
- 2-sinf Pronunciation: q and x
Unit 8 On the farm
- 2-sinf Farm animals
- 2-sinf Farm animals 2
- 2-sinf What’s it doing?
- 2-sinf Is it (sleep)ing?
- 2-sinf Love your home
- 2-sinf Pronunciation: w
- 2-sinf Review U7-8
- 2-sinf Evaluation
Siz yuqoridagi tayyor mavzular bo’yicha dars ishlanma olishingiz yoki tayyor yo’q mavzularga buyurtma berishingiz mumkin. Tanlagan mavzu bo’yicha shu namunada dars ishlanma tayyorlab beramiz. Telegram orqali @uzteachers_admin adresiga yoki telegramdan +998911800985 raqamiga bog’langing. Bog’lanish faqat telegram orqali! Telefon qilinganda yoki sms yozilganda javob berilmaydi!
Ko’rildi: 916
2-sinf mavzulari bo’yicha dars ishlanmalar