84-Dars. Somebody/anything/nowhere etc.
somebody/someone = shaxs, ammo biz uning kimligini bilmaymiz.

something = narsa, ammo biz uning nimaligini bilmaymiz.

somewhere = joyda/ga, ammo biz uning qayerligini bilmaymiz.

- insonlarga nisbatan (-body yoki -one)
somebody or someone / anybody or anyone / nobody or no-one
There is somebody (or someone) at the door.
Eshik yonida kimdir bor.
Is there anybody (or anyone) at the door?
Eshik yonida kimdir bormi?
There isn’t anybody (or anyone) at the door.
Eshik yonida hechkim yo’q.
There is nobody (or no-one) at the door.
Eshik yonida hechkim yo’q.
-body va -one bir xildir: somebody = someone, nobody = no-one va hokazo.
- narsalarga nisbatan (-thing)
something / anything / nothing
Lucy said something, but I didn’t understand what she said.
Lucy nimadir dedi, ammo men uni nima deganini tushunmadim.
Are you doing anything at the weekend?
Dam olish kunida sen nimadir qilmoqchimisan?
I was angry, but I didn’t say anything.
Meni jahlim chiqdi, ammo hechnarsa demadim.
‘What did you say?’ ‘Nothing.’
‘Sen nima deding?’ ‘Hechnarsa.’
- joylarga nisbatan (-where)
somewhere / anywhere / nowhere
Ruth’s parents live somewhere in the south of England.
Rutning ota-onasi Angliyaning janubidagi qayerdadir yashaydi.
Did you go anywhere interesting for your holidays?
Sen bayram kunlaringda qiziqarli biror joyga bordingmi?
I’m staying here. I’m not going anywhere.
Men shu yerda qolyapman. Men hech qayerga bormoqchimasman.
I don’t like this town. There is nowhere to go.
Men bu qishloqni yoqtirmayman. Borishga hechqayer yo’q.
Exercise 1. somebody (yoki someone) / something / somewhere yozing.

2 something
3 somewhere
4 somebody/someone
Exercise 2. somebody/anything/nowhere va hokazolarni yozing.

3 anything
4 anything
5 somebody/someone
6 something
7 anybody/anyone… nobody/ no-one
8 anything
9 Nobody/No-one
10 anybody/anyone
11 Nothing
12 anywhere
13 somewhere
14 anything
15 anybody/anyone
Exercise 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring. To’rtburchak ichidan tanlang.

2 anything to eat
3 nothing to do
4 anywhere to sit
5 something to drink
6 nowhere to park
7 something to read
8 somewhere to stay
Ko’rildi: 1 566
something = narsa, ammo biz uning nimaligini bilmaymiz.
84-Dars. Somebody/anything/nowhere etc.