55- Dars. Who saw you? who did you see?

55- Dars. Who saw you? who did you see?

55 dars

Bugungi mavzuyimiz sizlarga savollar qanday tuzilishini o’rgatadi.

Savollar 2 xil bo’ladi

SUBJECT (question) OBJECT (question)

Quyidagi bittagina gap bilan Subject va object questionni tushuntiramiz

Jane saw Jack. Jane Jackni ko’rdi

Subject- JANE ObjectJACK

Jane saw Jack – Jane Jekni ko’rdi Jane saw Jack -Jane Jekni ko’rdi

Who saw Jack?-Kim Jekni ko’rdi Who did Jane see?-Jane kimni ko’rdi?

who/what so’zlari ham subject yani ega o’rnida savol tuzishda foydalaniladi.

Who lives in this house? Bu uyda kim yashaydi?

What did Paul say? Paul nima dedi?

Who is your favourite singer? Sening sevimli qo’shiqching kim?
What is your favourite song? Sening sevimliqo’shig’ing qaysi?

Exercise 1. Savollarni yozib chiqing.

image 279
55- Dars. Who saw you? who did you see? 6

2 What fell off the shelf?
3 Who wants to see me?
4 Who took your umbrella? / Who took it?
5 What made you ill?
6 Who is / Who’s coming?

Exercise 2. Subject va object savollarni tuzing.

image 280
55- Dars. Who saw you? who did you see? 7

3 Who did you phone?
4 What happened last night?
5 Who knows the answer?
6 Who did the washing-up?
7 What did Jane do? / What did she do?
8 What woke you up?
9 Who saw the accident?
10 Who did you see?
11 Who has got your pen? / Who’s got your pen? /Who has your pen?
12 What does this word mean? / What does it mean?

Exercise 3. Belgilar (XXXXX) o’rniga savolga qarab so’z qo’ying.

image 281
55- Dars. Who saw you? who did you see? 8

2 Who phoned you ? What did she want?
3 Who did you ask? What did he say?
4 Who got married? Who told you?

1 fortunately baxtingga 9 accident voqea
2 found topilgan 10 wake up uyg’onmoq
3 it u 11 clean tozalamoq
4 home uy 12 hope umid qilmoq
5 way yo’l 13 deliver yetkazib bermoq
6 evening kech 14 postpone kechiktirmoq
7 give bermoq 15 take olmoq
8 book kitob 16 leave tashlab ketmoq


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55- Dars. Who saw you? who did you see?