101-lesson. When …
When bog’lovchi sifatida ham ishlatiladi. Bunda gapdagi ma’nosi ‘qachonki/…da’ bo’ladi.

- Agar ’when’ gapning boshida kelsa, vergul(,)ni ishlatamiz:
When you’re tired, don’t drive.
Charchaganingizda, mashina haydamang.
Don’t drive when you’re tired.
Mashina haydamang charchaganingizda.
Helen was 25 when she got married.
Helen 25 da edi u turmush qurganida.
When Helen got married, she was 25.
Helen turmush qurganida, 25 da edi.
Biz before (oldin)/while (…da)/after (keyin) bog’lovchilarni ham when kabi bir xil holata ishlatamiz:
Always look both ways before you cross the road.
Before you cross the road, always look both ways.
Yo’lni kesib o’tishingizdan oldin, har doim ikkala tomonga qarang.
While I was waiting for the bus, it began to rain.
It began to rain while I was waiting for the bus.
Avtobusni kutayotganimda, yomg’ir yog’ishni boshladi.
He never played football again after he broke his leg.
After he broke his leg, he never played football again.
U oyog’ini sindirib olganidan keyin, hech qachon qayta futbol o’ynamadi.
When kelasi zamonda ishlatilganda, whendan so’ng hech qachon kelasi zamon fe’lini ishlatmaymiz (When I am … / When I go … etc.):

- Biz hozirgi zamon fe’li (I am / I go etc) bilan kelajak ma’nosida when dan keyin ishlatamiz.
When I get home this evening, I’m going to have a shower. (not When I will get home)
Kechqurun uyga borganimda, dush qabul qilmoqchiman. (When I will get home emas)
I can’t talk to you now. I’ll talk to you later when I have more time.
Sen bilan hozir gaplasholmayman. Vaqtim ko’proq bo’lganda keyinroq sen bilan gaplashaman.
Before/while/after/until dan keyin ham kelasi zamon ishlatilmaydi:
Please close the window before you go out. (not before you will go)
Tashqariga chiqishingizdan oldin iltimos derazani yoping. (before you will go emas)
Rachel is going to stay in our flat while we are away. (not while we will be)
Biz yo’qligimizda Reychel kvartiramizda qolmoqchi. (while we will be emas)
I’ll wait here until you come back. (not until you will come back)
Qaytguningizgacha Men shu yerda kutaman. (until you will come back emas)
Exercise 1. Gaplarni when bilan boshlab yozing. To’rtburchak ichidan tanlang.

2 When I’m tired, I like to watch TV.
3 When I knocked on the door, there was no answer.
4 When I go on holiday, I always go to the same place.
5 When the programme ended, I turned off the TV.
6 When I got to the hotel, there were no rooms.
Exercise 2. Gaplarni to’ldiring. To’rtburchak ichidan tanlang.

2 when they heard the news
3 they went to live in New Zealand
4 while they were away
5 before they came here
6 somebody broke into the house
7 they didn’t believe me
Exercise 3. Qaysi biri to’gri?

2 I finish
3 it’s
4 I’ll be … she leaves
5 stops
6 We’ll come… we’re
7 I’ll bring
8 I’m
9 it gets
10 I’ll tell …I’m
Ko’rildi: 666
When you’re tired, don’t drive.
101-lesson. When …